Hello, Welcome to another informational article on Oncology Nurse Salary!
This article will enlighten you about Oncology Nursing and the income potential this career offers.
By the end of this article, you will know the average salary in various states in the U.S and the factors that can impact your earning potential as a Registered Nurse for Oncology.
Here is what we will cover in this article:
- Oncology Nurse Salary outlook
- The average salary for Oncology Nurse jobs by State
- Factors that affect the Oncology Nurse Salary
- Tips to increase your salary as an Oncology Nurse
Without further ado, let’s help you find out your maximum earning potential as an Oncology Nurse.
Oncology Nurse Salary Outlook
The Oncology Nurse is one step ahead of the regular Registered Nurse (RN).
It is a type of APRN- Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, in which the RN further specializes in the field of oncology.
As an Oncology Nurse, the individual is responsible for caring for, educating, and assisting the patients with different stages and types of cancer.
As oncology is a highly competitive area of specialization in healthcare, Oncology Nurses are popular and in demand.
Therefore, oncology nursing jobs offer excellent opportunities and attractive base salaries for qualified and experienced personnel.
To work and earn as an Oncology Nurse, you will require a nursing degree or a bachelor’s degree in nursing per se.
After which, you will have to acquire experience and complete 1000 hours of clinical work with cancer patients.
And that is when you get eligible for employment.
As per a report published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in 2019, the average annual salary for Oncology Nurses was $73,000.
The national average for an Oncology Nurse (entry-level) is estimated to be $35,000.
However, the salary range varies by each State and is also influenced by several factors like level of education or years of experience.
Whereas, if you pursue and complete your master’s degree in oncology, you can work as an Advanced Oncology Nurse Practitioner.
It will increase your earnings to an average annual salary of $60,000-$125,000.
Sounds good, right?
But, there is more to it.
Read on.
Average Oncology Nurse Salary by State
Even though there are several other factors, one of the biggest factors that affect the salary of healthcare professionals is the state they are located in.
The cost of living, such as transport and food, varies greatly in each state in the U.S., and this, in turn, affects the income and job opportunities.
Enlisted are some of the major states and the average Oncology Nurse Salary:
This state has so much to offer, from great medical facilities to excellent living standards; the average Oncology Nurse’s salary is approximately $1.482 weekly (or $58. 804 annually).
Considerably a cheaper state to live in, the average salary ratio is also the lowest month of all states.
For example, the pay scale for an Oncologist Nurse is around $987 (or $39,163).
New York
It is one of the most expensive places to live in the U.S, but the wages are also higher on the brighter side.
For example, you can earn up to $1,854 per week as an Oncology Nurse in New York ($73,565 annually).
On average, the Oncology Nurse makes approximately $1,1,83 or $46,940 annually in Maryland.
Similar to New York, this state is also expensive to live in.
The average salary for an Oncology Nurse Practitioner is $1,852 per week or $73,450 annually.
Here is a list of different states that you can check out for the salary range:
- Arizona: $1,659 weekly
- Oregon: $1,729 weekly
- Illinois: $1805 weekly
- Texas: $1,664 weekly
- San Francisco: $1,828 weekly
Aside from your state, many other factors can affect your income as an Oncology Nurse.
Factors that Affect the Oncology Nurse Salary
1. Level of education
The biggest salary-determining factor for an RN is the level of nursing education.
The higher your degree, the more you earn.
You can land a job as a Nurse Practitioner even after a mere associate’s degree in a nursing program.
Still, most nursing jobs opt for candidates who have a bachelor’s degree (Bachelor of Science in Nursing- BSN).
Consequently, the bachelor’s level RNs earn more than the associate’s level.
Moreover, in my states or cities like Boston, Nurses with an associate’s degree find it hard to get a job.
With time, the healthcare facilities are making it clear that the best way to get a high-paying nursing job and advance your nursing career is to advance your education level.
Worry not; even if you have an associate’s degree, you can check with the colleges that offer a special RN-to-BS program to boost your professional growth and save your time on coursework.
If you grow and earn more, you can also opt for a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) or Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program to become a Nurse Practitioner (NP) or Advanced Nurse Practitioner (APN).
If you are confused about which program to opt for, check with the oncology nursing certification corporation (ONCC).
Then, select the right nursing program with the best pay scale in the future.
2. Work environment
As already discussed above, your nursing salary greatly depends on your state.
Consequently, your salary is also influenced by the location of your work area in a particular state.
Your pay scale will vary depending on the type of facility you are working in, such as you can be working in an acute healthcare facility, a long-term hospital setting, a clinic, or providing home patient care.
Why is that so?
Well, every workplace has different demands and patient influx.
You would not expect that same patient flow in a Physician’s clinic as in a large hospital setting.
Moreover, the type of nursing care facility you work in will also affect your work hours.
For example, a small, private facility will have shorter working hours than a hospital.
Regardless of the workplace, you can also choose your working hours by deciding whether you want to work full-time or part-time.
And, if you are paid per hour- you can do the math.
Specialty as a Nurse
There is no age or limit for learning.
Once you become an RN, or even an NP or ANP, you can polish your skills in a certain oncology-related specialty that interests you to become an Oncology Certified Nurse.
In, such as:
- Breast Oncology Nurse
- Pediatric Oncology Nurse
- Hematology-Oncology Nurse (pediatric hematology)
- Surgical Oncology Nurse
- Head and Neck Oncology Nurse
- GYN Oncology Nurse
- Bone marrow transplant
- Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Nurse Educator
- Cancer counseling
- Prevention and early detection
- Symptom management
- Patient care plans
- Palliative care
This will allow you to acquire additional certification or training for cancer treatment and management and boost your earning potential.
4. Years of experience
In a nursing career or any other professional field, the major job landing criteria that every employer wants to see on your resume is the years of experience you have.
The more experience you have, the better job you can get.
To paint a clear picture for you, here are the Oncology Nurse Salary estimates as per the experience:
For Oncology RNs:
- Experience of less than 1 year: $28.39 hourly
- Experience of 1-4 years: $31.22 hourly
- Experience of 5-9 years: $33.63 hourly
- Experience of 10-19 years: $36.61 hourly
- Experience of 20 or more years: $38.00 hourly
For advanced Oncology Nurses (NPS or ANPs):
- Experience of less than 1 year: $93,821 annually
- Experience of 1-4 years: $97,544 annually
- Experience of 5-9 years: $103,1663 annually
- Experience of 20 or more years: $ 116,676 annually
It is evident that the experience adds more to your skills and paycheck.
Tips to Get Paid More as an Oncology Nurse
Here are some tips that will help you evolve as an Oncology Nurse Practitioner:
In-demand shifts
If you are looking to increase your pay, you can take on in-demand shifts.
These are usually late-night, weekend, holiday, or extra shifts in high-need specialties that are not-so-popular amongst the staff.
As a result, the facilities offer better pay as an incentive to make the employees take on these shifts.
If your workplace has no such shifts, you can easily find facilities that offer these shifts and sign up for the ones that fit your schedule best!
Travel as a Nurse
Oncology Nurses turned Travel Nurses are high in demand! And the best part is Travel Nurses can make 18% more money than they would as an RN.
As a Travel Nurse, you can provide care and assistance to cancer patients who cannot leave their homes or are in cancer wards.
Not only will you earn more, but you will get a chance to work in diverse environments, unravel your skills as a Nurse Practitioner and explore more healthcare facilities.
Opt for compact licensure
The compact licensure -eNLC, enables the Nurse Practitioners to work in multiple states without worrying about getting a new license every time.
You can work in any of the 29 eNLC states with this license.
You can check if your state is part of this compact license and apply, especially if you are planning to become a Traveling Nurse and get paid more!
Become invaluable
If you want to earn more, you need to learn the art of negotiation and pitch in your demands alongside a strong resume.
Before you apply for any job, ensure that you research thoroughly and to the core the job description so that you can put a solid case of your unique value upfront.
When you make your value known, you can also demand other benefits like paid offs, stipends for housing, and continued education alongside good pay.
Level up your education and acquire more certifications
As already discussed, the higher your education and specialty level, the more you can earn and work on your terms.
Stay creative and open to learning skills
You can expand your nursing skills beyond your work hours.
You can educate young students who are learning to become Nurses by joining a nursing training program in your community.
You will be serving your community, expanding your skills, earning extra cash, and making your resume stronger- a complete win-win!
An Oncology Nurse is an in-demand career that is rewarding in several aspects.
Moreover, there is no limit to earning as an Oncology Nurse Practitioner; starting at an annual salary of $35,000 as an RN can go as high as you want.
All you have to do is level up your education, skills, and experience to build a lucrative career in nursing,
Are Oncology Nurses in demand?
As per a research summary by Ziippia, an Oncology Nurse is a high-in-demand career. But unfortunately, only 21,188 Oncology Nurses are currently employed in the United States. With the ever-growing healthcare facilities, there is a need for more in various states such as Alaska, Texas, San Francisco, etc.
How much do Oncology Nurses make?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, BLS, the average annual salary for Oncology Nurses is approximately $53,410 to $116,230 per year. Statistics show that Advanced Nurse Practitioners, ANPs or NPs, earn more than RNs, with an average annual income of $125,000.
What is the average Chemotherapy Nurse’s salary?
Nurse Practitioners fall into four earning categories, and as per the categories, the average salary for Chemotherapy Nurses is:
Top earners (90th percentile): $101,500 per year
75th percentile: $94,000 per year
Average:$76232 per year
25th percentile $60,500 per year
How much do Pediatric Oncology Nurses make?
In the United States, the average annual salary range for Pediatric Oncology Nurse is about $23,149 to $609,628.