Hi guys! Welcome to another exciting article on the NCLEX practice questions.
In today’s session, we share free NCLEX practice exams for the NCLEX RN and NCLEX PN exams.
You’ll also find insightful tips to help you get the most out of our practice questions.
After reading this article, you’ll know how to answer the NCLEX exam questions using practice exams.
That said, here is what you’ll learn:
- Free 6 full practice exams for NCLEX
- Links to our other NCLEX practice quiz pages
- An overview of the NCLEX practice test
- Tips and tricks to make the most of the NCLEX practice test
- Why are practice questions so important for NCLEX prep?
Let’s jump straight into it.
Other free NCLEX RN study materials:
- NCLEX RN exam prep
- NCLEX RN study plan
- NCLEX study guide
- NCLEX practice questions
- NCLEX RN flashcards
- NCLEX cheat sheet
- Best NCLEX RN study materials
NCLEX PN study materials:
- NCLEX PN exam prep
- NCLEX PN study plan
- NCLEX study guide
- NCLEX practice questions
- NCLEX PN flashcards
- NCLEX cheat sheet
- Best NCLEX PN study materials
NCLEX RN Practice Exams
Additional NCLEX RN practice tests and quizzes
For the parts that you scored poorly in, make sure to take our Practice Quizzes for the specific section. Here you can navigate all the NCLEX RN practice quizzes sections.
- NCLEX RN full practice tests #2 and #3
- NCLEX RN Management of Care quizzes
- NCLEX RN Safety and Infection Control quizzes
- NCLEX RN Basic Care and Comfort quizzes
- NCLEX RN Reduction of Risk Potential quizzes
- NCLEX RN Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies quizzes
- NCLEX RN Physiological Adaptation quizzes
- NCLEX RN Psychosocial Integrity quizzes
- NCLEX RN Health Promotion and Maintenance quizzes
NCLEX PN Practice Exams
NCLEX PN Practice Exam 1
Additional NCLEX PN practice tests and quizzes
For the parts that you scored poorly in, make sure to take our Practice Quizzes for the specific section. Here you can navigate all the NCLEX PN practice quizzes sections.
- NCLEX PN full practice tests #2 and #3
- NCLEX PN Coordinated Care quizzes
- NCLEX PN Safety and Infection Control quizzes
- NCLEX PN Basic Care and Comfort quizzes
- NCLEX PN Reduction of Risk Potential quizzes
- NCLEX PN Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies quizzes
- NCLEX PN Physiological Adaptation quizzes
- NCLEX PN Psychosocial Integrity quizzes
- NCLEX PN Health Promotion and Maintenance quizzes
An Overview of the NCLEX Practice Tests
This article has 1,800 plus NCLEX practice questions.
You’ll find three timed practice exam (2 hours time limit) with 100 questions for each NCLEX RN and PN test.
The exams have end-of-topic quizzes.
There are 30 quizzes for each of the eight categories in the National Council Licensure Examination.
The NCLEX RN has three sets of 30 quizzes and the NCLEX PN has two sets of 30 quizzes for each of the eight client needs categories in the exam.
The NCLEX practice questions take different formats, including multiple-choice and alternate formats, just like in the actual exam.
Tips and Tricks to Make the Most of the NCLEX Practice Test
The NCLEX has a maximum of 145 questions.
These questions come in different formats, multiple-choice, hot spots, select-all-that-apply, exhibit/chart, drag-and-drop, and fill-in-the-blank.
Again, the exam covers multiple content areas.
The client needs categories tested in the exam, including:
Safe and Effective Care Environment
- Coordinated Care/Management of Care
- Safety and Infection Control
Health Promotion and Maintenance
Psychological Integrity
Physiological Integrity
- Basic Care and Comfort
- Pharmacological Therapies
- Reduction of Risk Potential
- Physiological Adaptation
To cover all these topics and familiarize yourself with the multiple questions formats, NCLEX practice questions are the way to go.
My first tip regarding taking practice tests is that you should start early.
Don’t wait until it’s a week or two before the exam.
Taking practice questions should go hand-in-hand with the use of other study resources.
Take a full-length practice test at the beginning of your test preparation to find out how much you already know.
The test will also help you establish the areas you are good at and where you are lagging.
With this new knowledge, you can tailor your NCLEX study plan accordingly.
My advice is that you should take end-of-topic quizzes after reading a topic.
The same test-taking strategies you are expected to apply in the actual NCLEX RN and NCLEX PN exam still apply.
So, please read the questions thoroughly to understand what they are asking.
The same goes for the answer choices.
Use the elimination method to remove the wrong answers and zero in on the two most likely correct answers.
Finally, re-read the question for clues to help you determine the correct answer.
It doesn’t stop there!
Go further and review the rationale behind the answer.
It’s equally important to read the answer explanation for incorrect answers.
The one trick that no one will ever tell you (except me, of course) is that making notes when reviewing the answer explanations is a game changer.
It takes your understanding to the next level.
You should try it with the NCLEX.
The rationales will help you identify the topics you are unfamiliar with.
For those topics, go back to your nursing school textbook and spend a day or two reviewing those topics before delving back into test-taking.
Another strategy is emulating the test environment.
NCLEX exam is not an open-book exam.
As such, you should avoid peeking into the study materials when taking the test, whether it’s quizzes or full-length tests.
You can only use other resources when reviewing the test once you are done.
Also, it will help to take the test in a quiet environment without distractions.
Personally, I recommend taking between 100 and 150 questions in a day.
You should take the NCLEX practice test regularly until the Qbank has no more questions to offer or until the test day.
And before you take the final exam, schedule a full-length, timed practice test that simulates the computer adaptive testing.
The mock nursing exam will boost your endurance and give you a feel of what taking the real test feels like.
Why Are Practice Questions So Important for NCLEX Prep?
NCLEX practice test is the key to testing your knowledge and sharpening your test-taking skills.
Honestly, you can’t tell how well-prepared you are for the NCLEX without practice tests.
Reading for the practical nurse exam or the registered nurse test and understanding those concepts differs from being asked questions.
And so, practice exams allow you to verify whether you’ve understood the lessons.
Further, it’s an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the structure of the questions, the number of questions, and the types of questions.
You’ll also establish your areas of strength and weakness.
You can review the material repeatedly to ensure you understand the tough topics.
More importantly, you’ll find out the errors you make in exams.
Once you’ve established the error patterns, you can work on them so that the same doesn’t happen in the test.
Finally, taking practice exams tests your endurance.
By the time you are taking the actual one, you will be better prepared in case anxiety or fatigue kicks in.
In a nutshell, NCLEX practice tests are a must-do for all NCLEX test-takers serious about passing the exam on the first trial.
So, make an effort to take all the free NCLEX practice tests we have in store for you.
The Next Ideal Step in NCLEX Test Prep
NCLEX practice tests play a major role in helping learners wrap their heads around the actual exam.
They help test-takers better prepare for the exam.
When used with other study resources, you’ll get even better results.
I recommend our free NCLEX flashcards, study guides, and cheat sheets for more comprehensive preparation.
Check all the articles in our NCLEX exam study hub for more study materials.
NCLEX Practice Test FAQs
Is the NCLEX exam difficult?
Yes. The exam is challenging. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing uses NCLEX to test practical and registered nurses on their competency in practical nursing skills. It tests the nursing process, critical thinking, and assessment skills. Learners must establish that they can apply concepts learned in real-life scenarios.
What is a good score on the NCLEX practice exam?
We can’t say that there’s a particular score that’s a sure bet you’ll pass the NCLEX. Practice exams show how well you know the exam content. With the results, you are supposed to reread the areas you are weak and also check the rationales to increase your chances of passing.
Is there a free practice NCLEX exam?
There are many free NCLEX practice exams. Nurse Code has 1,020 free NCLEX RN and 780 NCLEX PN practice questions. You’ll find three sets of timed mock exams with 100 questions for each of the two tests. Also, we have free end-of-topic quizzes to test how well you’ve mastered each topic.
Is one month enough for NCLEX?
Yes. It takes a month to three to prepare well for the exam. How long you take depends on how prepared you already are. If you’ve recently graduated, you may take a shorter time to prepare for the NCLEX RN test. You’d need more time if you graduated long ago.
What is the passing score for NCLEX?
The NCLEX is a pass/fail exam. There’s no passing score since it’s a computer adaptive test. The system tests how well you can offer safe and effective nursing care. You pass the exam if you answer enough questions to establish your competency level in the nursing practice.
What are the best NCLEX practice exams?
There are several. UWorld tops the list because of its thorough answer explanations. Kaplan is hot in pursuit with its CAT practice tests and massive Qbank. Nursing.com has SIMCLEX, the closest you can get to the NCLEX exam. Other providers like Hurst, NurseAchieve, and SimpleNurisng also have excellent practice questions.
What is the best way to prepare for NCLEX?
– Create a comprehensive study plan
– Start slowly and pick a pace with your material review
– Diversify the study resources you use
– Use practice questions to familiarize yourself with the test questions and types, e.g., multiple-response questions
– Go through the answer explanations
Is the NCLEX exam difficult if you have a bachelor’s degree?
The NCLEX RN is for nursing students who have a bachelor of science degree in nursing. And yes, it’s challenging. To pass the exam, you must adequately prepare. Sign up for a prep course and start your test preparation. Cover the exam content and take many practice questions before the test.
What do you need to take the NCLEX exam?
According to the NCSBN, you need your identification card. The names on your ID must match the names on the ATT. Test-takers leave their personal belongings outside the testing room. Phones, watches, scarves, wallets, water, and so on are not allowed in the testing room.
How does NCLEX test for math?
The math question on the NCLEX revolves around dosage calculations and conversion. The questions are straightforward. All you need to do is practice before the exam. In the exam room, read the math question to understand before you start your calculation.
How do I pass the NCLEX exam?
– Start your preparations early and make sure you take many practice exams
– Use flashcards to review hard-to-memorize areas like vital sign values, medication, side effects, etc.
– Have enough rest the night before the exam. Don’t study.
– Read questions and answer choices before you answer
– Don’t panic