Hey everyone! Welcome to Nurse Code.

We are delighted to share with you 1,450 NCLEX RN free flashcards.

The cards are divided into four domains and their subcategories.

Each category has two to five flashcard sets, with cards ranging from 77 to 256.

By the end of the article, you’ll have familiarized yourself with the key concepts tested in the National Council Licensure Examination.

In brief, here is what we’ll discuss:

  • How to use our NCLEX RN flashcards
  • Getting the Most of the free flashcards
  • Why use the NCLEX RN flashcards

Let’s dive into it!

Other free NCLEX RN study materials:

  1. NCLEX RN exam prep
  2. NCLEX RN study plan
  3. NCLEX study guide
  4. NCLEX practice exams
  5. NCLEX RN flashcards
  6. NCLEX cheat sheet
  7. NCLEX RN Exam FAQ
  8. Best NCLEX RN study materials

How to Use Our NCLEX RN Flashcards

How to Use Our NCLEX RN Flashcards

On the top right corner, you’ll see a star function that you can use to star cards you would like to review later.

On the bottom right, there is the shuffle function and the switch front and back.

As the name suggests, shuffle allows you to mix the cards in different orders.

Shuffling breaks the sequence you are used to, forcing you to digest the question to come up with an answer.

The switch front and back function work like the shuffle function because it breaks the order your mind is used to.

Finally, we have the navigation functions at the bottom.

These two arrows will take you to the previous or next card, depending on the one you clicked.

NCLEX RN Flashcards

NCLEX RN Safe and Effective Care Environment

NCLEX RN Safe and Effective Care Environment deck 1

NCLEX RN Safe and Effective Care Environment deck 2

NCLEX RN Management of Care

NCLEX RN Management of Care deck 1

NCLEX RN Management of Care deck 2

NCLEX RN Management of Care deck 3

NCLEX RN Safety and Infection Control

NCLEX RN Safety and Infection Control deck 1

NCLEX RN Safety and Infection Control deck 2

NCLEX RN Safety and Infection Control deck 3

NCLEX RN Safety and Infection Control deck 4

NCLEX RN Physiological Integrity

NCLEX RN Physiological Integrity deck 1

NCLEX RN Physiological Integrity deck 2

NCLEX RN Physiological Integrity deck 3

NCLEX RN Physiological Integrity deck 4

NCLEX RN Physiological Integrity deck 5

NCLEX RN Basic Care and Comfort

NCLEX RN Basic Care and Comfort deck 1

NCLEX RN Basic Care and Comfort deck 2

NCLEX RN Basic Care and Comfort deck 3

NCLEX RN Reduction of Risk Potential

NCLEX RN Reduction of Risk Potential deck 1

NCLEX RN Reduction of Risk Potential deck 2

NCLEX RN Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies

NCLEX RN Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies deck 1

NCLEX RN Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies deck 2

NCLEX RN Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies deck 3

NCLEX RN Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies deck 4

NCLEX RN Physiological Adaptation

NCLEX RN Physiological Adaptation deck 1

NCLEX RN Physiological Adaptation deck 2

NCLEX RN Physiological Adaptation deck 3

NCLEX RN Psychosocial Integrity

NCLEX RN Psychosocial Integrity deck 1

NCLEX RN Psychosocial Integrity deck 2

NCLEX RN Health Promotion and Maintenance

NCLEX RN Health Promotion and Maintenance deck 1

NCLEX RN Health Promotion and Maintenance deck 2

NCLEX RN Health Promotion and Maintenance deck 3

Getting the Most of the NCLEX RN Free Flashcards

Getting the Most of the NCLEX-RN Free Flashcards

NCLEX RN examination requires you to prepare effectively to have any chance of passing, and nursing flashcards can be excellent tools for NCLEX RN test prep.

To get the most out of the flashcards, go through them whenever you have 5 to 10 minutes to spare.

Given that we have digital flashcards, you’ll find it a lot easier to use them from wherever, as you can access them through your phone.

The more you review the material, the more you retain the information.

Another important detail you must remember when using the cards is that less is more.

Don’t be pressured to review hundreds of cards in ten minutes.

What has worked for me is reviewing 5-10 cards whenever I have time.

It keeps the pressure low and allows me to read to understand rather than cram my way because of limited time.

Pro-tip: I recommend reviewing 20 cards in a day.

In seven days, you’ll have gone through 140 nursing flashcards.

After a week, establish whether you need to reduce the number or do more.

Now, this is important, how you use the cards.

My strategy is simple and straightforward.

If I’m using nursing flashcards for the first time, I’ll read the prompt in the front and turn the card to read the response.

I’ll flip the card to the front again and try to recall the correct answer; if I recall the answer, excellent!

If not, I’ll have to check again to confirm where I went wrong.

I’ll repeat this process for all the ten cards in hand.

There’s just one problem, though.

This strategy is akin to cramming.

And since that’s not the goal, shuffling to mix the cards works like magic.

Another equally efficient strategy is switching the front to back, where you start with the answer and are prompted to get the question.

This technique helps you memorize the info on both sides of the cards because it builds strong neural pathways that aid with retaining information.

These three techniques will help you master the NCLEX RN flashcard sets in bits.

Another strategy that works wonders is using flashcards with other study materials, like practice questions.

While cards give you dozens of questions to practice on, practice tests give you a peek into your areas of strength and weaknesses so that you can allocate your study time effectively.

The test questions will guide you into the review cards you need to focus on more and topics you must read afresh.

Simply put, flashcards are excellent for definitions, terminologies, and concepts like lab values.

They are great at understanding the relationship between concepts, but you’ll need other study resources to cover the nursing content comprehensively.

Hence, you might need a prep course like HESI or ATI, or a textbook like Saunders Comprehensive Review.

You can further use additional tactics like taking notes, creating mind maps, listening to video lectures, etc.

Last but not least, say the answers out loud.

Better still, let your roommate, friend, or family member help you.

Let them read the prompt as your answer.

They’ll verify the answers and tell you whether you are right or wrong.

Now, if there’s no one, you should still say the answers out loud.

This way, you stand by your answer and can’t change it after reading the correct answer.

It also helps you avoid the illusion of competence.

You’ll know if you truly know the answer or not.

Final point: start using flashcards in nursing school.

This way, you’ll know early on what works for you.

And when using them for NCLEX test prep, it will be a walk in the park.

Why Use NCLEX RN Flashcards?

Why Use NCLEX RN Flashcards

Flashcards have worked over the years for a good reason.

Particularly, nursing students find them helpful because they promote active recall when used with spaced repetition.

Active recall is where you retrieve information from the brain instead of reading the information.

When you read the answer on the front of the card, your brain is stimulated to think of the question.

This process allows your brain to create a lasting connection between the answer and the question.

And since you’ll be reviewing the cards after a particular interval (spaced repetition), your ability to recall and understand concepts will greatly improve, and the information will be stored in long-term memory.

Further, flashcards, to a large extent, mimic practice questions. 

The only difference is that you are not limited by time.

That is to say; it allows you to process the information and come up with an answer without the pressure of time.

You tend to learn better in a pressure-free environment.

When used with other resources, like a study guide, your test preparation goes to the next level.

You’ll be surprised how much information you’ll retain in a single study session.

What’s more?

Unlike a textbook, flashcards are easy to carry around.

Not only that, the information is streamlined.

You don’t need to peruse through pages to find what you are looking for.

You’ll spend less time covering exactly what you need for the National Council Licensure Examination.

The Next Step for Studying

The Next Step for Studying

We’ve finally come to an end.

Our NCLEX RN free flashcards are a great addition to your NCLEX test preparation.

We’ve summarized everything you need to know for the exam in 1,450 cards.

It’s now your turn to make the most of this study tool.

Luckily enough, we’ve gone further to tell you how exactly you can ensure the flashcards bore fruit and why they are an excellent study tool.

Apart from the NCLEX RN flashcards, we have several other free NCLEX study materials to help with your test prep.

Go to the navigation menu at the beginning of this article to find the study tool you need.

NCLEX RN Free Flashcards FAQs

NCLEX RN Free Flashcards FAQs

Can I study for NCLEX in 2 weeks?

This is a short time, but you could make it if you maximize your study time. Plus, it can only be possible if you’ve recently graduated from a BSN program and the knowledge is fresh. Take many practice questions (100-200 daily) and review the answer explanations.

What is the best study material for NCLEX RN?

Here is a list of the best NCLEX RN study materials.
– HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX RN Examination
– NCLEX RN Questions & Answers Made Incredibly Easy
– Lippincott Q&A Review for NCLEX RN
– Kaplan NCLEX RN Prep Plus
– Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX RN Examination

Is the NCLEX RN hard to pass?

It depends. The NCLEX covers providing a safe and effective care environment, health promotion and maintenance, and psychosocial and physiological integrity. The questions range from 75 to 145. Given the maximum number of questions, we can all agree that the exam can be challenging if you are not well prepared.

Is 3 weeks enough to study for NCLEX?

Three weeks is a short time. But if you are still in nursing school or recently graduated, three weeks is enough. Your NCLEX review will majorly focus on practice questions to brush up on the areas you find challenging. You may also incorporate flashcards.

How long does it take to pass NCLEX RN?

It’s recommended that you take four to twelve months, depending on how prepared you are. You’ll take the least time if you have more time to commit to test prep and if nursing school content is still fresh. So devise a study system that works for you.

How can I study for NCLEX RN?

– Go through the NCSBN test plan to understand the NCLEX RN
– Highlight the areas you are weakest.
– Create a comprehensive study plan
– Assemble the right study materials
– Review the challenging topics, whether it’s physiologic adaption, med-surg or infection, etc
– Take end-of-topic quizzes and full-length practice questions.

Is NCLEX RN hard to study for?

NCLEX is not hard to study. All you need is to start early and plan your study time accordingly. Balance between using the review books, flashcards, video lectures, and practice questions. Cover all the client needs categories. Finally, have breaks to enhance your studies.

How many questions are in the NCLEX RN exam?

The minimum number of questions is 75, while the maximum is 145. Since NCLEX is a CAT, the number of questions you’ll take depends on how well you’ve answered the previous questions. The system shuts down once it has established your level of competency in becoming a registered nurse.

What are the most common NCLEX RN questions?

The common questions in the NCLEX include illness and disease, treatment plans and patient communication, people skills, interpreting information, prioritization, diagnosis, safety and care environment, and procedures and physiological adaptation. Visit the NCSBN website and review the test plan to see the areas tested and prepare accordingly.


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