Download the CNA cheat sheet using the button above.

This CNA cheat sheet will greatly reduce your study time for the exam. Make sure to download it above.

The CNA cheat sheet summarizes all the key concepts you need to know to prepare for the exam.

Apart from the cheat sheet, we’ll also walk you through how you can make the most of the sheet and what difference using one makes in your CNA test prep.

In short, we’ll cover the following:

  • Making the most of the CNA Cheat Sheet
  • Why use CNA Cheat Sheet for exam prep

Without further ado, let’s get started.

CNA Study Series

Making the Most of CNA CheatSheet

The CNA cheat sheet is perfect for reviewing the exam content.

The CNA cheat sheet is perfect for reviewing the exam content.

This CNA study material has a summary of the exam content

You’ll find key definitions and important concepts explained in a straightforward way.

The sheet only has the most important information about what you need to learn for the certified nursing assistant exam.

The cheat sheet acts as a study guide for when you want a quick review of the exam content.

Since it breaks down complex information into easy-to-understand concepts, it comes in handy in understanding complex topics.

You can choose to download it.

That means it’s printable.

You can highlight key concepts using different color codes or write additional notes that you find helpful during your CNA exam prep.

The cheat sheet acts as a quick reference tool.

Thus, it can’t be your primary CNA study material.

It will give you more value if you use it with our other resources in this series.

Before you use the cheat sheet, you can use our CNA study guide to have a solid knowledge of the exam content.

Again, you can use the quick sheet with a CNA practice test.

When reviewing the incorrect and correct answers in the practice exams, our quick sheet is an excellent way to confirm information you need clarification on.

It will jog your memory and reinforce the information you find difficult to grasp in the practice questions.

Also, the nursing cheat sheet works well with flashcards.

The concepts you are trying to memorize in the CNA flashcards are concisely elaborated in the nursing cheat sheet.

The two supplement each other perfectly.

While most test-takers rarely have dedicated time to review the cheat sheet, it should be in your CNA study plan.

Dedicate at least a few minutes daily to scan through the info on the sheet.

The more you read the material, the higher the chances that you’ll recall the details quickly when taking a practice exam or even using other CNA study materials.

Why Use CNA Cheat Sheet for Exam Prep

using an exam cheat sheet boosts your confidence.

The CNA state exam has written and nursing skills tests covering a wide range of nurse aide skills, including handwashing, bed bath, and vital signs like blood pressure and pulse, among a dozen other skills.

To pass the exam, you must prove competency in all the areas covered.

And cheat sheets can help you wrap your head around the written and clinical skills tests.


The information is highly organized and summarized concisely, so everything you learned in nursing school will come flooding back from reviewing our nursing cheat sheet.

It gives a simple breakdown of the key concepts you need to learn.

Secondly, the CNA cheat sheet helps you focus on what matters.

Instead of perusing through bulky text to find the meaning of medical terminologies or reading about range of motions, activities of daily living, or members of the health care team, you can find this information quickly using a cheat sheet.

Further, a quick sheet does an excellent job of helping you recall important information.

You can recall the finer details of topics without breaking a sweat.

And when you understand the exam content, you’ll be confident in your abilities during the exam.

Thus, using a cheat sheet boosts your confidence.


CNA Cheatsheet Conclusion

Taking the certified nursing assistant exam is the first step in your nursing career.

Later, you can become an LPN and work harder to take the NCLEX and become a registered nurse.

This preliminary test requires you to give nothing but your best.

Hence, we’ve bent backward to ensure our CNA cheat sheet has all the information you need for the CNA exam.

Use the quick sheet with our other study resources for the best results.

CNA Cheatsheet FAQs

CNA Cheatsheet FAQs

Is the CNA test multiple-choice?

Yes. The CNA exam is a multiple choice exam with questions ranging from 60 to 85, depending on the state. The questions have four answer choices, and you are expected to choose the correct answer. The CNA test takes 90 minutes to an hour, depending on the length of the test.

How many questions are on the Florida CNA exam?

The Florida CNA exam has 60 multiple-choice questions that take 90 minutes to complete. The passing score is 72%. The clinical skills exams test five randomly selected nurse aide skills tests that take between 30 and 40 minutes to complete.

How many questions are on the Illinois CNA test?

The Illinois CNA exam has 85 multiple-choice questions that take 90 minutes to complete. The exam tests communicating information, performing basic nursing, personal care and restorative skills, and providing mental health and social service needs and residents’ rights.

What is the passing score for the California CNA exam?

The passing score for the CNA exam in California is 70%. The exam has 60 multiple-choice exams plus ten reading comprehension, making it 70 questions. The skills tests have five randomly chosen nurse aide skills tests. This portion of the exam takes 25 minutes.

Is the CNA test easy?

The CNA test difficulty level depends on your preparation. If you are well prepared, you’ll find it easy. The opposite is also true. So, leverage CNA exam prep and make the most of the study materials. Take many practice exams and practice the skills test often.

What is the passing rate for the CNA test in Illinois?

As for the Illinois CNA exam, you’ll either get a pass or fail. The cut-off score is not published. That leaves you with one option only. Take your time to review the exam material. Take many practice tests and practice for the skills test. That’s the only way to pass.

What is the CNA exam score needed to pass?

The passing score varies per state. However, the passing score ranges from 70% to 75%. To pass the exam, you must pass both the written examination and the clinical skills test. So, check your state’s nurse aide registry for the exam requirements.


Mometrix Test Preparation

CNA Plus Academy


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