Hi everyone, and welcome to another amazing read.

Today we extensively discuss Cybersecurity Standards.

We promise that at the end of this read, you will understand Cybersecurity Risks, Cybersecurity strategies, the required information security standards, and how important cyber compliance is to organizations.

We covered in depth:

  • An Overview of Cybersecurity Standards
  • Cybersecurity Requirements and Specific Standards for Industries
  • National and International Cybersecurity Standards
  • The need for Cybersecurity Standards

Let’s dig in.

Introduction to Cybersecurity Standards

Cybersecurity Standards

Cybersecurity standards have generally emerged as providers and users have worked together in numerous international and national forums to implement the necessary policies, practices, and capabilities over several decades.

According to the US security framework adoption research of 2016, the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Cybersecurity Framework is the most widely used IT (Information Technology) practice. 

To some extent, the complicated jurisdictional questions of law enforcement agencies’ interregional cyber-exfiltration operations to stop transnational criminal activity on the internet remain unsolved.

In part, improved cybersecurity standards are anticipated to be produced by conflicts between local law enforcement efforts to carry out interregional cyber-exfiltration procedures and global jurisdiction.

In this article, we will discuss these standards in detail.

What are Cybersecurity Standards?

Cybersecurity Standards

Cybersecurity Standards or IT security standards are procedures that are typically described in published papers that aim to safeguard a user’s or organization’s online environment. 

Networks, users, all software, devices, information in transit or storage, processes, services, systems, and applications that can be linked indirectly or directly to networks are all included in this environment.

The main goal is to lower the risks, which includes mitigating or preventing cyberattacks. 

Policies, tools, concepts, security protections, risk management techniques, guidelines, training, best practices, activities, technology, and assurance are all included in these published resources.

Specific Industry Cybersecurity Standards

Cybersecurity Standards

This part of the guide provides information on Cybersecurity Frameworks and standards unique to certain businesses.


HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is the benchmark for Healthcare businesses, notably those in the USA when protecting patient data.

HIPAA, a law passed in the United States in 1996, mandates compliance with the physical and Cybersecurity measures described by the standard for all parties involved in the sector. 

Failure to do so might result in fines that can be quite expensive for these firms.

UL 2900

UL released a set of standards known as UL 2900. 

The standards cover broad Cybersecurity specifications (UL 2900-1) and specific requirements for industrial designs (UL 2900-2-2), UL 2900-2-3 (life safety signalling and security systems), and medical devices (UL 2900-2-1).

Cybersecurity Standards or IT security standards are procedures that are typically described in published papers that aim to safeguard a user's or organization's online environment

Manufacturers must describe and document the attack surface of the technologies utilized in their products following UL 2900. 

Based on the planned usage and deployment context, threat modelling is necessary. 

The standard calls for strong security measures to safeguard private information and other assets like command and control data. 

Additionally, it demands that security vulnerabilities in the program be fixed, defence-in-depth security principles are followed, and penetration testing is used to confirm the product’s security.


The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is an information security standard for businesses that deal with branded credit cards from the main card schemes. 

The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council is in charge of enforcing the PCI Standard, which card companies impose. 

The standard was developed to tighten safeguards over cardholder data and decrease credit card fraud.

National Standards

Cybersecurity Standards

National Cybersecurity frameworks and standards are described here in detail.

BSI IT-Grundschutz

An essential part of the IT baseline protection (German: IT-Grundschutz) methodology is the federal base for Information Security Standards, shortened as BSI or Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik. 

They offer suggestions for techniques and measures for many facets of information security, processes, procedures, and strategies. 

The BSI standards can be used by service providers, manufacturers, businesses, and public bodies to increase the security of their business operations and data.

Business Continuity Management is covered under BSI Standard 100-4. (BCM).

The general specifications for an ISMS (Information Security Management System) are laid out in BSI Standard 200-1. 

It considers the suggestions of other ISO standards like ISO 27002 and is interoperable with ISO 27001.

The foundation of BSI’s methodology for developing an effective information security management system is BSI Standard 200-2. 

It specifies three methods for putting baseline IT security into practice.

All risk-related processes in baseline security are bundled under BSI Standard 200-3.

Cyber Essentials

The NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) in the United Kingdom manages the information assurance program called Cyber Essentials. 

It encourages businesses to adopt critical infrastructure for security practices. 

A modest set of assurance structures and security controls are also included in Cyber Essentials to safeguard information from internet-based attacks.

FIPS 140

FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards 140 series) requirements are American computer security standards that outline specifications for cryptography modules. 

It is agreed that FIPS 140-3 and FIPS 140-2 are both up to date and operational.


  • NIST Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF) provides a special appropriation of Cybersecurity results and a procedure to evaluate and address the results
  • It aims to give critical infrastructure providers in the private sector advice on safeguarding fundamental civil rights and data privacy measures
  • A comprehensive review of computer control areas and security is provided in special publications 800-12
  • Additionally, it emphasizes how to put security controls into practice and their significance

Most of the methods in this record can also be used in the private sector, even though it was originally written with the government in mind. 

It was created specifically for those federal employees who manage sensitive systems.

  • Standard security regulations are covered in 800-14, a Special Publication

It gives a powerful overview of the components that should be included in a security policy

NIST Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF) is a national standard that provides a special appropriation of Cybersecurity results and a procedure to evaluate and address the results

The publication explains how to create a new security procedure and actions that could be taken to enhance current security. 

In this publication, fourteen practices and eight principles are laid down.

  • On possible ways to control IT security, consult special publication 800-26

This was overthrown by the SP 800-53, an updated NIST. 

Both self-assessments and risk assessments are emphasized in this paper.

  • A revised version of SP 800-37 offers a fresh risk methodology: Federal Information Systems Risk Management Framework Application Guide
  • More than 190 security controls applied to a system to make it more protected are covered in detail in the SP 800-53, issued in 2013 and updated to incorporate the January 2014 update
  • Guidelines for providing computer-gender identity services, such as registration, user authentication, and identity proofing, are provided in the publication 800-63-3, published in 2017 and updated to reflect the December 2017 changes

A guide to ICS (industrial control system) security, Special Publication 800-82, Revision 2, updated in May 2015, explains how to protect various ICS types from cyberattacks while taking into account their reliability, safety needs, and unique performance.


NERC developed NERC CSS, the first attempt to develop information security standards for the electrical power business, in 2003. 

Following the CSS recommendations, NERC improved and changed those specifications. 

The modern NERC security standard NERC 1300, an update/modification of NERC 1200, is the most commonly known. 

CIP-002-3 through CIP-009-3 is the name of the most recent iteration of NERC 1300 (CIP stands for Critical Infrastructure Protection). 

Although NERC has developed standards in other areas, bulk electric systems are secured using these guidelines. 

The bulk electric system standards enable industry best practices while offering network security administration.

International Standards

Cybersecurity International Standards

ETSI EN 303 645

A set of fundamental standards for security in consumer Internet of things (IoT) devices are provided by the ETSI EN 303 645 standards. 

It includes technical controls and organizational guidelines for designers and producers of Internet-connected consumer electronics. 

The standard, released in June 2020, is meant to be used in conjunction with other, more specialized standards. 

The EU’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) can comply with the standard because many consumer IoT devices handle personally identifiable information (PII).

The following are the Cybersecurity clauses of this European standard:

  • There are no global default passwords
  • Implement a system for managing vulnerability reports
  • Maintain software updates
  • Store critical security parameters securely
  • Secure your communications
  • Reduce the number of open assault surfaces
  • The integrity of the software
  • Assure the safety of personal information
  • Make systems fault-tolerant
  • Analyze system telemetry information
  • Make deleting user data simple for users
  • Make device installation and maintenance simple
  • Verify input data

Through the use of the standard TS 103 701, which permits self-certification or certification by another organization, these minimum standards’ conformance is assessed.

ISO/SAE 21434

A Cybersecurity standard called ISO/SAE 21434, “Road vehicles – Cybersecurity Engineering,” was created in collaboration with SAE and ISO working groups. 

For the lifecycle of road vehicle development, it suggests Cybersecurity measures. 

The standard is connected to the developed European Union (EU) Cybersecurity regulation. 

Cybersecurity regulation

The UNECE is creating a certification for a “Cybersecurity Management System” (CSMS) that will be necessary for the type approval of vehicles in conjunction with the EU. 

A technical standard for automobile development called ISO/SAE 21434 can be used to prove conformity with those rules.

UNECE WP29’s work, which establishes guidelines for vehicle cybersecurity and software updates, is a descendant of this.

IEC 62443

Methodologies, requirements, and processes for IACS (Industrial Automation and Control Systems) are defined by the IEC 62443 cybersecurity standard. 

The prints are the outcome of the development process from the IEC standards, in which all relevant national committees choose a single standard.

Policies and Procedures, General, Component, and System are the four broad categories that classify all IEC 62443 technical and standards reports.

Foundational knowledge, including models, terminology, and theories, is included in the first class.

The Asset Owner is the aim of the second classification of work output. These include a range of topics related to developing and sustaining an efficient security program for IACS.

The third work product class comprises documents outlining the specifications and prerequisites for secure control system integration. The conduit and zone design approach lies at the heart of this.

Work products outlined in the precise technical and product development specifications of control products are included in the fourth classification.

ISO/IEC 15408

The “Common Criteria” are developed following this standard. 

It enables the secure testing and integration of a wide range of hardware and software components.

ISO/IEC 27001 & 27002

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) issued the most recent iteration of ISO/IEC 27001, an ISMS (standard for information security management systems), in 2013. 

A management strategy formally stipulated by ISO/IEC 27001 is designed to subject information security to precise management control.

An excellent management security practice standard, the first part of the BS 7799,  was incorporated into ISO/IEC 27002. 

BS 7799-3 is the most recent iteration of BS 7799. 

As a result, ISO/IEC 27002, also known as the first part of BS 7799 or ISO 17799, is also the first and seventh part as well. 

While ISO/IEC 27001 and the second part of BS 7799 give a framework for credentials and are normative, BS 7799 part 1 serves as an outline or good practice guide for cybersecurity management. 

With regards to cybersecurity, ISO/IEC 27002 is a powerful manual. 

Getting an organization certified to the ISO/IEC 27001 benchmark serves the organization’s management best as an explanation of guidance. 

Once earned, the certification is valid for three years. 

During the three years, no or a few interim audits may probably be conducted, depending on the auditing organization.

Since ISO/IEC 27001 (ISMS) supersedes the second part of BS 7799, any organization functioning in line with the second part of BS 7799 can readily move to the ISO/IEC 27001 credential procedure because it is backward compatible. 

Additionally, an intervening audit is open to make it simpler for a firm to obtain ISO/IEC 27001 certification after obtaining the second part of the BS 7799 certification. 

For people in charge of developing, maintaining, or starting  ISMS (information security management systems), ISO/IEC 27002 offers best practice propositions for information security management. 

These security systems necessary to implement the ISO/IEC 27002 management goals are listed. 

The control goals of ISO/IEC 27002 are useless without ISO/IEC 27001. 

The control objectives from ISO/IEC 27002 are integrated into ISO 27001.

An international standard known as the Systems Security Engineering Capability Maturity Model (SSE-CMM) or ISO/IEC 21827) can assess the development of ISO controls goals.

Why is it important to Have Standards for Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity Standards

Today, with daily stories on cyber threats, cybersecurity is on the minds of many business owners. 

However, it can be difficult for decision-makers in these businesses to put the proper solutions into practice and to know how to lower risk.

Businesses that adhere to cybersecurity standards gain unmistakable advantages since doing so means actively putting the required procedures, guidelines, and safeguards into place. 

This lessens the likelihood that a company will be compromised, and if it is, it assures that the company will be well equipped with incident response and business continuity plans to limit the damage.

Additionally, certifications and standards are a direct way to show your stakeholders, customers, partners, suppliers, and any other organizations you work with or plan to work with that your company takes data protection and cybersecurity very seriously and has taken significant steps to demonstrate this.

Cybersecurity Standards

To raise the baseline of cybersecurity protection, one must adhere to accepted standards and best practices. 

Many organizations struggle to adopt new methods and procedures because they lack individuals with subject expertise. 

Although education is a crucial element, it is challenging to impart in-depth knowledge. 

Therefore, certification techniques are crucial in spreading cybersecurity innovation by distilling specific best practices into structured, straightforward standards.


Cybersecurity Standards FAQs

What are Cybersecurity Standards for?

Standards for Cybersecurity play a significant role in risk management and security enhancement. 

Standards define the capabilities required for security systems and standard security needs.

What are the Cybersecurity Standards?

Cybersecurity standards are declarations that outline the security outcomes that must be attained to satisfy an enterprise’s stated security objectives.

What are the key Cybersecurity Standards?

The international standard ISO 27032 provides instructions on managing Cybersecurity. 

It offers recommendations for managing various Cybersecurity concerns, such as those posed by user endpoint security, network security, and the defense of critical infrastructure.

What are the Standards for Information Security?

The ISO 27001 and 27002 standards, which are the two main ones, specify the conditions for developing an information security management system (ISMS). 

An essential audit and compliance activity is having an ISMS. 

The requirements for the ISMS program are defined by ISO 27000, which includes an overview and vocabulary.

What are Security Compliance Standards?

Following policies or data and information protection standards is called information security compliance. 

Numerous commercial, governmental, and other restrictions will establish any firm’s precise security requirements for data and information.




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