Hey there, welcome to this detailed guide about the New York life insurance agent salary. 

This guide will help you know what life insurance agents in New York earn in order to make a decision on whether you want to be an agent in the state of New York. 

A New York life insurance agent earns well especially when they are making sales.  Many have opted for this career path because it is rewarding.

The salary is attractive and the bonuses and commissions are impressive. 

 In this article, we will cover the following: 

The Life Insurance Agent Earnings
The Life Insurance Agent Skills Inspiring Huge Earnings 

Once you become a New York life insurance agent, your earning potential is great if you are good at your job. 

A good salary is equal to hard work and great selling skills. 

Most New York Insurance companies pay their agents well, but it all depends on the amount of business they bring in. 

Keep reading! 

The Life Insurance Agent Earnings 

According to numerous surveys conducted, a New York Sales Agent’s salary can reach up to $50,000 annually. 

However, there are life insurance agents earning salaries with the lowest-paid earning around  $100,082 per year and the highest paid earning  upto $123, 870 per year. 

This information was gathered from reports  generated from the data of 52 New York Life Insurance agents Salary reports offered by the employees or garnered from statistical methods. 

When bonuses and other compensations are included, insurance sales agents in New York specializing in life and health insurance can make an average of  $49,315 annually. 

There are also insurance agents with an average base salary of $44,531 yearly which is also equivalent to $21.41 per hour. 

The lowest earners in the New York Life Insurance market are known to make below $22,000 yearly. 

The top earners on the other hand earn more than $89,000.

But, it is important to note that most New York Life Insurance agents in various organization functions have varying salaries.

A good example is that you will find employees in the Accounting function earn an average annual pay of  $90,543 while employees in the Engineering function earn an average annual pay of $94,543. 

Other factors like the Geographical location can also determine the salary of a life insurance  agent in New York. 

There have been instances where life insurance agents in certain cities have been paid more than in other cities. 

There is no doubt that the life insurance industry pays well and with reported revenue of $1B range, it is definitely a great place to be. 

However, these huge earning amounts can be  achieved only if as a life insurance agent you possess certain skills and apply them in whatever insurance agent job openings that come your way.

The Life Insurance Agent Skills Inspiring Huge Earnings 

Here are the skills that you will require as a life insurance agent aiming to join the top earners in New York.

These skills will not only impress any recruiter but get your potential customers to buy all the policies you sell them after contact with them. 

Customer Service Skills

It doesn’t matter whether you are acting as a life insurance broker, loss adjuster, an underwriter, or a claims manager, you will meet clients at some point. 

The key to higher earnings lies in offering excellent customer service. 

In case you work as a life insurance actuary, just remember that even though actuaries usually have little direct contact with clients, customer service skills will still be beneficial as you interact with the people you work with closely. 

As a beginner sales agent, your ability to connect with others will help you rise in the ranks.

Organization skills

Your organization skills will be required because you will be handling a large number of New York customers. 

It is vital that you organize your appointments, and keep records that are organized and accurate always.

There are apps and online tools that will help you manage your schedules and communicate with your clients effectively.  

Find out the best ones and use them. 

If you work at an entry-level position in a reputed New York life insurance company then you will need to step up your organization skills and match the best of them, if you intend to rise up in the earning ranks. 

Problem Solving Skills 

As a life insurance agent, you can’t escape problems that require creative solutions. 

You might meet clients with very unusual insurance needs and you will be forced to find them the right cover. 

You will need to calculate any unpredictable risks and suggest the best policy for certain clients. 

You will run into multiple problems like not finding clients willing to buy life insurance policies or meeting clients who are reluctant to buy.

It is up to you to solve this problem creatively and ensure that you generate enough sales to earn an impressive salary by the time the year comes to an end. 

Detail Oriented 

You must be detail-oriented if you want to earn well in this business.

It is a sales job after all and knowing everything there is to know about the products you are selling will be instrumental. 

You will know exactly what to present to your customers and the perfect life covers for their needs. 

You will also need to check that all information regarding policies has been filled in correctly and signed to avoid any future problems.

Analytical Skills 

You can’t survive the insurance industry if you lack analytical skills. 

You will find yourself numerous times looking at clients’ risks and analyzing the various life insurance options. 

You need analytical skills to suggest the best life cover for your clients.

You are not only an insurance sales agent but a financial advisor as well if you are going to offer only the best life insurance policy to all the clients you meet. 

You will also need these skills to know whether it is worth maintaining contact with clients that you are talking to.

The skills will let you know whether certain clients are serious buyers or simply time-wasters. 

You will have the skills to only reach out to clients who are truly potential buyers. 

Communication Skills 

As an expert in life insurance products, you need to be a great communicator to your clients because they know very little about the policies you are selling. 

You need to be a great communicator to make your customers understand what they are buying. 

You also need to respond quickly to questions, calls, emails, or texts from clients who need information about the status of their policy or about questions that they might have. 

You also need to respond accordingly to any of the customer’s prompts. 


Knowledge most times comes from acquiring education.

Perhaps you have a bachelor’s degree in finance or other business-related courses, it will come in handy when you decide to join the insurance industry.  


For you to earn an impressive salary as a New York insurance agent, you must work your way up to become a top earner. 

Patience, determination, and hard work will get you there. 

You have seen the average salary of a life insurance agent in New York and how impressive it is. 

As long as your job title is a life insurance agent and you are licensed, then the earning potential is limitless. 

You can join the top salary range. 



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