Writing an eye-catching resume in Atlanta requires practice, dedication, and perseverance.

When it comes to creating an eye-catching resume, whether you’re in Atlanta, Johns Creek, Sandy Springs, or Alpharetta, you’ll want to follow some of the basic outlines below.

These outlines will help you to create a resume that is not only eye-catching but also succinct and to the point.

If you’re simply looking for a resume professional in Atlanta, Sandy Springs, Roswell, Johns Creek, or Alpharetta, we’d highly recommend checking out the career services page of The Corporate Con/noisseur.

We have a low, introductory fee for any new customers.

In addition, our resume services have been shown to increase an individual’s interview rate by over 47%!

Crunch Some Numbers

When it comes to creating an eye-catching resume in Atlanta, you’ll want to prioritize numbers over words.

What this means is that numbers are more eye-catching than words can be.

The benefit of placing numbers on your resume are twofold.

Firstly, numbers provide a stronger, easier-to-understand statement.

A hiring manager or recruiter will more likely understand the statement, “increased sales by 25% with an additional $75,000 in revenue generated” than they would if you were to state, “increased sales and revenue”.

Secondly, numbers take less overall space on your resume than words do.

A resume is meant to be a succinct, one-page overview of your previous work and educational history.

For experienced, career professionals, this can be particularly difficult.

Rather than filling your resume with words, utilize direct numbers instead and save some space for other information.

Use Bullet Points

A resume is meant to be straightforward and to the point. 

You want to get across your qualifications and experience in a manner that is easy to understand and easily digestible. 

Understanding that, it is far easier to understand and peruse a resume with bullet points than one that is written in a paragraph style.

Include Soft Skills and Hard Skills

We’ve previously discussed the top job skills needed in 2020 and beyond. 

One point we did make, was that soft skills are needed just as direly as hard skills. 

The reason? 

Because soft skills are more difficult to teach and introduce than hard skills. 

Hard skills, such as programming and development work, can be taught on the job.  

Whereas soft skills cannot.

Eye-Catching Resume in Atlanta

Create a Bold Resume Summary

The resume summary, traditionally at the top of the resume, is meant to introduce yourself to the hiring manager or recruiter.

This summary is a great place to highlight and showcase your skills and goals.

Meant to be direct and straightforward, the resume summary is your one, and best, chance to draw the interviewer in.

Include Relevant Technical and Hard Skills

While both technical and hard skills can be taught on the job, it is an added bonus if you are able to showcase your previous experience with them.

However, it is important to note, that you will only want to include technical and hard skills which are relevant to the job posting.

For example, if you are applying to a programming role, you may not want to include technical skills you have that are geared towards a marketing role.

Rather, customize your resume so that your technical and hard skills are relevant to the role being applied.

Customize Your Resume

In a similar vein, throughout your entire resume, you should customize and tailor your resume to the job and role being applied to.

This not only includes hard skills but also includes previous work experience and history.

Customizing your resume will make you a more attractive and qualified candidate and help to ensure your resume is eye-catching.

Include Additional Experiences

Let’s face it, recruiters, hiring managers, and interviewers are tired of viewing the same format of resumes over and over again.

So, break the mold.

While we’re not advocating for a complete rewrite of your resume, you should include additional experiences such as volunteer experience, experience in the Boy Scouts, or even experiences gained while traveling.

Although you don’t want these experiences to overtake your resume, you can include them to provide a bit of detail and background into your personality.

Include Resume Keywords

The process of applying to open roles and positions is changing.

Whereas in the past, each resume would be reviewed by a recruiter or someone on the human resources team, those days are long gone.

Now, resumes submitted for an open role or position must pass the applicant tracking system (ATS).

The applicant tracking system is simply a system that reviews an applicant’s resume, looking for specific keywords and skills.

Typically, these skills are mentioned on the job posting.

So, when you are creating an eye-catching resume, be sure to update your resume to pass the ATS and reach the recruiter’s desk.

Eye-Catching Resume in Atlanta

Include Languages You’re Fluent In

We live in a global world, connected seamlessly and effortlessly.

As such, employers are always looking for potential applicants who have foreign language skills and fluency.

If you are fluent in a foreign language, be sure to mention it clearly.

Include Awards and Achievements

Received an employee of the month award?

Did you have Latin honors throughout college?

Be sure to include those awards and achievements on your resume.

These awards and achievements will help to elevate and distinguish you from the crowd and make your resume more appealing.


Creating an eye-catching resume in Atlanta can be done by thinking outside the box and understanding what recruiters and hiring managers are looking for in a potential candidate.

For resume help, we at The Corporate Con/noisseur are offering an exclusive, one-time resume service for just $29.

Get your customized, professional resume now and increase your interviews by 47%!

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