Hey everyone, it’s yet another opportunity to share our free HESI A2 Practice Test with you.

We have 100 HESI practice questions.

You’ll find three full-length, timed practice exams and five sets of quizzes for each of the eight subjects tested in the exam.

By the time you are done with this piece, you’ll have covered all the subject areas in the HESI exam and learned strategies to make the most of the practice exams.

In short, here is what we’ll discuss:

  • Strategies to make the most of the HESI practice exam
  • Importance of using HESI A2 practice exams

Let’s get started right away

Other free HESI A2 study materials:

  1. HESI A2 exam prep
  2. HESI A2 study plan
  3. HESI A2 study guide
  4. HESI A2 practice tests
  5. HESI A2 flashcards
  6. HESI A2 cheat sheet
  7. HESI A2 study materials
  8. HESI A2 Exam FAQ

Other Free HESI A2 Practice Tests:

welcome to your hesi a2 practice test

For the parts that you scored poorly in, make sure to take our Practice Quizzes for the specific section. Here you can navigate all the HESI A2 practice quiz sections.

  1. HESI A2 grammar practice test
  2. HESI A2 reading comprehension practice test
  3. HESI A2 vocabulary practice test
  4. HESI A2 biology practice test
  5. HESI A2 anatomy and physiology practice test
  6. HESI A2 physics practice test
  7. HESI A2 chemistry practice test
  8. HESI A2 math practice test

Strategies to Make the Most of the HESI Practice Exam

Strategies to Make the Most of the hesi practice test free of cost

The Health Education Systems, Inc exam tests learners in eight subjects.

All eight subjects are timed and cover different content areas.

Here is how you can use the practice exams to review the HESI exam subject areas.

Know the HESI Exam Structure

To get the most out of the HESI A2 practice test, understand the exam structure.

How many questions are in the exam?

How many sections are there?

How are the subjects weighted?

And how long does it take?

The HESI exam has eight subjects that are scored.

Here is the weighting and time limit.

Math: 47 questions and takes 50 minutes. Here you’ll cover fractions, ratios, decimals, multiplication, subtraction, and other basic math concepts.

Vocabulary and general knowledge: This section is about health care vocabularies. There are 50 questions. You’ll have 50 minutes to complete them.

Grammar: The grammar section is all about rules of grammar and punctuation, sentences (simple, complex, and compound), parts of speech, and other basic grammar areas.

Reading comprehension: Here, students’ ability to understand passages that relate to medical/health situations is tested. Reading comprehension is an hour-long section with 47 questions.

Anatomy and physiology: This section delves into the body system and anatomy. Learners are tasked with answering 25 questions within 25 minutes.

Physics: There are 25 questions covering energy, acceleration, average speed, friction, and waves and sound, to mention a few. Test-takers have 25 minutes.

Biology: Biology is also a 25 minutes section. It covers photosynthesis, biological molecules, metabolism, cellular respiration, etc. Here there are 25 questions, just like the other sciences.

Chemistry: Be conversant with the periodic table, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, etc. The chemistry section has 25 questions and takes 25 minutes.

There are also the personality stylelearning style, and critical thinking sections that most colleges and universities don’t include in the HESI A2 test.

And even when they are included, they don’t count toward the test score.

With this information, look for HESI practice exams that replicate the actual test.

When taking the practice questions, you’ll be modeling exactly what you’ll do in the HESI nursing exam on the test day.

Replicate the Actual Exam Testing Conditions

The HESI entrance exam is a closed-book test.

You are not allowed to enter the testing room with a phone, watch, textbooks, or any other study materials.

Hence, getting used to this condition during your HESI exam prep is important, particularly when taking practice tests.

Only have what’s allowed in the exam.

Don’t peek into your HESI study guide or cheat sheet to find an answer.

You’ll not be allowed to do that in the actual test.

Hence, you shouldn’t do it in the practice sessions.

If you are taking the exam in your school, visit the testing room before the exam.

You can take your practice tests right in the testing room.

Suppose you’ll be taking the actual test in the testing center. 

Take your practice sessions in a library, for example.

There are no distractions.

Remember to time yourself.

But if you are using our free HESI practice exam, our tests are timed.

So you don’t have to worry about that.

Finally, the goal is to familiarize yourself with the actual exam, so take all the sections.

Don’t skip some subjects because they are difficult.

Take complete tests.

Note Your Mistakes in a Journal

When taking the practice test is important to note the questions you got wrong.

You can keep an entry of all the questions you found challenging so that you don’t have to return to the practice test to retrieve them.

Write down what made you think the incorrect answer was correct.

Further, write the correct answer and the answer explanation of why it’s right.

Comparing the two will help you incorporate new knowledge.

The next time you encounter the same question, you won’t get it wrong.

Next tip, always have the journal with you so you can refer to it during your test prep.

Review Unfamiliar Content

With every HESI practice exam, take time to review all the questions, even those you got right.

This way, you’ll better understand the sections of the HESI exam.

And just like we’ve noted above, have a journal of all the questions you got wrong.

Make it a rule to only go to the next practice exam once you’ve reviewed all the questions you took in the previous test.

Keep Track of Your Progress

As the Evolve Reach Admission Assessment date draws near, you’ll want to know if you are ready.

The best way to go about it is to gauge your exam readiness from the start of your HESI exam prep.

Write your score in chronological order for each practice exam you take.

The trend will help you know if you need to put more effort and the sections you need to get serious with, whether it’s science section, math skills, or grammar.

Importance of Using Practice Exams When Preparing for the HESI A2 Exam

HESI practice exam helps you use your study time diligently.

A practice exam is one of those study materials you’ll consistently use throughout your life as a nursing student.

This study tool plays a significant role in helping students with the HESI entrance exam, HESI exit exam, and even the NCLEX.

As a HESI study material, you’ll find it helpful because it will help you know your weak areas and the topics you’ve already mastered.

With this knowledge, you can dedicate more time to the exam sections that need your attention and spend less time in areas you already know.

HESI practice exam helps you use your study time diligently.

Further, this study tool helps retain information.

Practice test works like the actual exam.

It uses active recall.

Each question forces your brain to go to work and retrieve the information from your memory.

The more you do the practice questions, the more likely you’ll retain the information learned and recall it later.

It helps with information retention more than a textbook or a study guide.

Finally, the HESI practice exams mimic the actual test to a huge extent.

You’ll familiarize yourself with the actual exam question style and even the time limit.

By the time you are taking the HESI nursing exam, you’ll have a rough idea of your abilities.

You’ll know the minimum score you are cable of if worse gets to worst.

The Next Ideal Step

The Next Ideal Step in hesi a2 test prep

That’s it for today.

Our free HESI practice exams give you a feel of the HESI exam and what is expected of you.

With this information, you can prepare accordingly and pass the exam on the first attempt.

Apart from the HESI practice exam, you can also leverage our other study materials.

Our free HESI flashcards are an excellent addition, and so are the HESI cheat sheets and HESI study plans.

These materials together we’ll guide you in reviewing what you need to know for the exam.

HESI Practice Exam FAQs

Here are some HESI Practice Exam FAQs

Is the HESI exam hard?

It’s hard if you are not well-prepared. The HESI nursing exam is quite comprehensive since it has 326 questions and takes four to five and a half hours. That means you must prepare thoroughly. Otherwise, you’ll find it one of the most difficult exams.

How do I prepare for the HESI exam?

First things first, organize the subjects into a study plan, highlighting the study tool you’ll use for each session. Assemble the right study tools: HESI study guides, cheat sheets, flashcards, and practice exams. Use the HESI textbook (available on amazon) to have foundational knowledge.

What questions are on the HESI?

The HESI admission assessment exam has multiple-choice questions and a few fill-in-the-blank questions. The questions test students on basic knowledge in the following areas: math, grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, anatomy and physiology, physics, chemistry, and biology. These subjects have different numbers of questions and time limits.

Is the HESI exam free?

No. The HESI exam is paid. The cost varies from one nursing school to the next because each determines the sections of the exam tested. However, according to NursingExams.org, the price ranges from $30 to $110. The fee will vary depending on whether the exam is in-person or virtual.

How long does the HESI exam last?

How long the exam takes depends on the sections you are tested in. All eight sections take around five hours. If you are taking like six sections, the exam lasts 4 hours. The best thing to do is to consult the nursing school about the exam.

What is a passing score on the HESI exam?

The passing score of the HESI entrance exam varies from one nursing program to the next. But 75% is considered a good score. If you fail the exam, you can schedule a retake. Consult with your school to find out the waiting period and payment.

Is the HESI practice exam free?

There are many free HESI practice tests. Nurse Code provides 1,850 practice questions that you can take for free. We have three full-length practice exams that are timed. Each exam has 297 questions and takes 310 minutes to complete. You’ll also find quizzes for each of the eight subjects.


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