Hello there, and welcome to our informative guide on HESI A2 flashcards.

We have 830 flashcards covering the eight sections tested in the HESI A2 exam.

Each subject has two to three flashcard decks.

After reading this article, you’ll be familiar with terminologies and key concepts tested in the exam, how to make the most of our flashcards, and why cards make the best study tools.

To be precise, we’ll discuss the following:

  • Guidelines on how to use our flashcards
  • How to make the most of HESI flashcards
  • Importance of using flashcards in your HESI exam prep

Let’s jump into it.

Other free HESI A2 study materials:

  1. HESI A2 exam prep
  2. HESI A2 study plan
  3. HESI A2 study guide
  4. HESI A2 practice tests
  5. HESI A2 flashcards
  6. HESI A2 cheat sheet
  7. HESI A2 study materials
  8. HESI A2 Exam FAQ

Guidelines on Using Our Flashcards

Here are some guidelines for using our free hesi a2 flashcards.

We have 830 HESI A2 free flashcards with different functions to ensure you get the most out of your test prep.

At the top right, there’s a star function.

Use it to mark cards you find challenging to memorize so you can return to them later.

At the bottom right, there’s a shuffle and a switch front and back.

Shuffle allows you to mix the cards to change their order.

The switch front and back function enable you to switch the front side to the back and vice versa.

That means the answer will be on the front side, and you’ll be required to give the question.

Shuffling and switch front and back sides surprises your brain as they break the pattern it’s accustomed to.

HESI A2 Flashcards

HESI A2- Anatomy & Physiology

HESI A2- Anatomy & Physiology deck 1

HESI A2- Anatomy & Physiology deck 2

HESI A2- Anatomy & Physiology deck 3

HESI A2- Basic Math Skills

HESI A2- Basic Math Skills deck 1

HESI A2- Basic Math Skills deck 1

HESI A2- Biology

HESI A2- Biology deck 1

HESI A2- Biology deck 2

HESI A2- Chemistry

HESI A2- Chemistry deck 1

HESI A2- Chemistry deck 2

HESI A2- Grammar

HESI A2- Grammar deck 1

HESI A2- Physics

HESI A2- Physics deck 1

HESI A2- Physics deck 2

HESI A2- Physics deck 3

HESI A2- Reading Comprehension

HESI A2- Reading Comprehension deck 1

HESI A2- Reading Comprehension deck 2

HESI A2- Vocabulary & General Knowledge

HESI A2- Vocabulary & General Knowledge deck 1

HESI A2- Vocabulary & General Knowledge deck 2

How to Make the Most of HESI A2 Flashcards

hesi flashcards will help you to understand the concepts.

Most of the time, we fool ourselves when using flashcards.

Most test-takers flip the card if they can’t clearly remember the answer and get excited if it is close to what they had in mind.

While reading the answer may trigger your memory and make it seem like you know the material, you don’t.

That’s a sign that you need to review the HESI study materials more to understand the concepts.

That takes us to my next point.

Don’t cram the questions and their answers. 

Use flashcards to understand concepts, even the vocab section.

Aim to go beyond definitions.

Now, to truly understand the subject areas in the HESI A2 exam, use our HESI A2 free flashcards with our other resources, particularly our free HESI practice exams.

The practice questions will help you test just how much you know.

It’s an excellent way to discover your weaknesses and strengths.

Again, you can leverage our HESI cheat sheet to note critical information tested in the exam.

These resources will help you learn the concept areas rather than repeat facts.

You’ll likely get the best results.

Another strategy that works like magic is saying the answers out loud.

When you speak out the answer, you use more than one sense, hearing and seeing.

You are more likely to remember what you read because you saw and heard the answer.

This technique helps retain information, and the more you use it, the more likely the information will be moved to long-term memory.

Apart from that, star cards you get wrong often.

You should review these cards more than those you are already well conversant with.

The one tactic that I enjoy is shuffling flashcards.

With every session, I shuffle the cards to test if I understand the key ideas or simply crammed my way through the decks.

Shuffling the cards allows you to test if you truly know the HESI entrance exam material.

While at it, switch the cards from the front to the back.

Jog your memory and see if you can still get the questions right.

These two strategies break the sequence your brain was used to.

It challenges your brain to go deeper and connect concepts.

Your understanding will drastically improve.

Additionally, try self-explanation every time you turn a card.

Explain the concepts the way you understand them.

If you have a group, you can study with, even better.

You’ll be more motivated to study, plus listening to others’ answers triggers you to think about your own answers.

You’ll make meaningful connections and understand the course material in-depth.

Finally, flashcards work best when studied in short bursts.

Don’t sit for an hour.

Instead, use the Pomodoro technique.

Review a deck for 25 minutes and then take a 5-10 minute break.

Aim for four sessions.

After the fourth study session, take a more extended break, say 20-30 minutes.

Importance of Using Flashcards in Your HESI Exam Prep

These free hesi flashcards will help you retain information better and for longer.

HESI A2 free flashcards can help you in many ways.

First, flashcards use active recall.

When you look at one side of the card, your brain is stimulated to think of the answer.

You try to remember what’s on the other side.

This process is called active recall, and it helps you retain information better and for longer.

Secondly, when you flip the flashcard over to see if you got the answer right, your mind goes to work, comparing the response you had in mind and the one on the flashcard.

This process is known as metacognition.

Comparing the two answers allows you to digest the content further before finally reconciling the two responses.

Lastly, when you find information in some flashcards difficult to remember, you’ll review them more often.

Seeing the same information repeatedly after a short period is known as spaced repetition.

Spaced repetition has been proven to boost information retention to a large extent.

Next Step in HESI Exam Prep

The next step in hesi exam prep is the hesi cheatsheet.

Our HESI A2 free flashcards have all the information you need to learn and memorize for the test day.

We’ve compiled terminologies and concepts that you might find difficult to master by using other study materials in flashcards.

We’ve also highlighted how to make the most of these cards so that you are well-prepared for the exam.

Even better, download our HESI A2 free cheat sheets (the next item in this series) to get the most out of your HESI study time.

HESI Flashcards FAQs

Here we answered some frequently asked hesi questions

Can you cheat on the HESI?

You could. But if you are caught cheating, your dream of becoming a registered nurse may be shuttered. The punishment for cheating varies from one nursing program to the next. You might be suspended or denied admission to the nursing program.

What should I study for the HESI?

The HESI entrance exam focuses on eight subjects: grammar, vocabulary and general knowledge, reading comprehension, basic math skills, chemistry, physics and anatomy, and physiology. What you should study depends on the sections required for admission. Inquire from your desired college about the sections you should focus on.

How hard is it to pass the HESI test?

It’s moderately difficult. The HESI A2 exam has 326 questions and runs for four to five and a half hours, depending on the sections you are taking. From the sheer number of questions, passing the exam can be challenging if you are not prepared.

What type of math is on the HESI exam?

The math skills section of the HESI nursing exam covers decimals, addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, percentages, fractions, ratios, proportions, and basic algebra. You’ll also find calculating areas and parameters of common shapes. Do as many HESI A2 practice tests to understand how to do these maths.

Is 87% a good HESI score?

Yes. 80%-90% are above average scores and are considered good performance. If that’s your target, start your preparation early. Track your performance by writing your scores for every practice test you take. Find out your areas of weakness and focus on those areas using HESI flashcards.

How is the HESI scored?

The HESI admission assessment exam is scored on a percentage system where the highest score is 100%. Each of the subjects taken is scored. A cumulative score is calculated. The cumulative score is the average of all the subtests. The final score is the average of your performance in the subtests.

What is the HESI passing score?

The passing score varies in every school. However, 75% is considered a good score for each section tested in the exam. Most nursing schools consider 75%-80% as average performance, 80%-90% as above average, and 90%-100% as excellent performance.

What is the HESI test?

There are two Health Education Systems Incorporated exams. The HESI entrance exam is a standardized exam used by some colleges and universities as admission criteria for nursing programs. The HESI Exit exam helps nursing students prepare for the NCLEX-RN or NCLEX-PN.

What are the best HESI study guides?

Here is a list of the best HESI study guides.
– Test prep books HESI A2 Study Guide 2022-2023
– HESI A2 Secrets Study Guide
– HESI Admission Assessment Exam Review 5th Edition
– HESI A2 Study Guide 2022-2023: Exam Prep Book and Practice Test Questions for the HESI A2 Exam



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