Hello, our dear reader; welcome to HESI A2 Exam Prep article.

In this article, we’ll give you a breakdown of the articles we have in our HESI A2 study hub and expert tips on how to study for the exam.

By the end of this article, you’ll have the tips and tricks to make the most of your HESI A2 entrance exam study time.

In summary, here is what we’ve prepared for you.

  • How to navigate our HESI A2 exam study hub
  • Tips to prepare for the HESI A2 nursing exam
  • Test-taking strategies for the HESI A2 exam

Let’s get started.

Other free HESI A2 study materials:

  1. HESI A2 exam prep
  2. HESI A2 study plan
  3. HESI A2 study guide
  4. HESI A2 practice tests
  5. HESI A2 flashcards
  6. HESI A2 cheat sheet
  7. HESI A2 study materials
  8. HESI A2 Exam FAQ

How to Navigate Our HESI A2 Exam Study Hub

Our HESI exam study hub has everything you need to prepare for this pre-nursing exam.

Our HESI A2 exam study hub has everything you need to prepare for this pre-nursing exam.

At the top, you’ll find a navigation menu that lists all the articles in this study series.

Click the title you want to review, and you’ll be taken straight to the article.

The “Post Content” menu outlines the areas covered in this article.

You can navigate to the section you want to learn more about.

The sidebar will also give you an outline of the topics we’ll cover here.

You’ll find this sidebar at the bottom right if you are using a mobile device.

HESI A2 Study Plan

Here is the complete study plan to prepare you for hesi test

Our HESI A2 study plan article has four downloadable study plans to help you prepare for the HESI A2 test prep accordingly.

You can download the four weeks, three months, six months, or one-year plans.

In this article, we also give you tips to use the study plan.

Here you can check our HESI A2 study plan.

HESI A2 Study Guide

in this article You’ll have links to the topics covered in the hesi exam

The HESI A2 study guide article covers the eight subjects tested in the Evolve Reach Admission Assessment.

You’ll have links to the topics covered in the HESI A2 exam.

Further, you’ll get tips to help you make the most of the study guide.

Here is a link to our Free HESI A2 study guide.

HESI A2 Practice Exams

in this article you will get three full length hesi practice exam

The HESI A2 exam has 326 questions.

And we have 1,850 practice questions to help you prepare for this exam.

You’ll find three full-length HESI A2 practice tests with 297 questions each.

These practice exams take 310 minutes.

We’ve also put together two to three quizzes for each of the eight subjects covered in the test.

Once you’ve covered the content areas in reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary and general knowledge, math skills, physics, biology, chemistry, and anatomy and physiology, you can take the end-of-topic quizzes to know just how much you’ve retained.

The full-length practice exams will help you familiarize yourself with the actual exam and find your weaknesses.

You can steer your HESI A2 exam prep towards the hard-to-understand subject areas.

Here is a link to our Free HESI A2 practice exam and practice quizzes.

HESI A2 Flashcards

in this article we offer free 830 flashcards for hesi test prep.

We introduce you to 830 flashcards.

There are two to three decks of flashcards for each of the eight subjects tested in the HESI A2 exam.

Further, we discuss strategies to help you make the most of the cards and why using flashcards is a game changer when preparing for the HESI A2 admission assessment exam.

Here is a link to our Free HESI A2 Flashcards.

HESI A2 Cheat Sheets

in this article we give you tips and tricks to use the cheat sheets effectively for hesi test

Find downloadable HESI A2 cheat sheets that summarize the key concepts you need to know to prepare for HESI A2 adequately.

We take it a step further and give you tips and tricks to use the cheat sheets effectively.

Here is a link to our HESI A2 cheat sheet.


in this article we have answerd hesi a2 exam faqs

This article gives you all the information you need to know about HESI A2.

We cover the exam structure, subject breakdown, passing score, and cost.

We also answer your questions about the HESI A2 entrance and HESI A2 Exit exams.

Here is a link to our HESI A2 exam frequently asked questions page.

HESI A2 Study Materials

in this article, you’ll find our top pick of the best HESI study materials.

Prep courses provide an opportunity to access the resources you need to ace the HESI A2 admission assessment exam.

Hence, in this article, you’ll find our top pick of the best HESI A2 study materials.

We’ve given you the study resources they provide, the cost of study materials, the pros and cons, and key features to guide you in making an informed choice.

Here is a link that talks about the Best premium HESI A2 study materials.

Tips to Prepare for the HESI A2 Nursing Exam

Here are some helpful tips to easily pass the hesi a2 exam.

Preparing for a standardized exam can be daunting.

And I know that this high-stakes exam can make or break the future you want for yourself.

For that reason, I’ve compiled study tips that helped me prepare and pass this exam to help you get into that nursing program just like you’ve planned.

Use the Best Study Resources

Starting your HESI A2 exam prep with the right study materials makes all the difference.

Search for the best online prep courses, as they provide comprehensive resources to help you cover the subject areas.

Our HESI A2 study material article can help you choose the right prep course provider.

A good prep course has HESI A2 study guides, multiple practice questions, flashcards, and lectures with videos and detailed explanations.

I personally recommend going for online courses that provide practice exams with answer explanations.

This tool will enhance your learning significantly, as with every test, you’ll know exactly where you went wrong.

With the right materials, you are a quarter way into passing the HESI A2 admission assessment exam.

Create a Study Schedule

Create a study schedule that balances the daily activities in your life and your HESI A2 exam prep.

I can’t emphasize this enough.

It’s crucial that your test prep fits neatly into your daily routine.

Otherwise, you’ll give up before you even get started.

Space your study routine throughout the week so that you have time for other activities.

You can block an hour daily to review one of the HESI A2 subjects.

Why does this work?

You’ll get better results if you build repetition into your study schedule.

For example, you may have math skills every Monday and Wednesday of every week.

Repetition allows you to review the ratios, decimals, fractions, and conversions, to mention a few, until they stick.

The more you do these maths, the higher the chances your brain will remember them.

To make your studies even more effective, ensure the study materials for the sessions are ready the night before.

You can write down the goals you want to achieve by the end of the session.

For me, goals have always worked wonders.

When I know exactly what I’m supposed to achieve at the end of a session, my mind gets to work until it’s accomplished.

Study One Section of the HESI A2 at a Time

This is only possible if you start your studies in the recommended one to two months before the test date.

You don’t need to cram or panic if you start your studies early.

You’ll also find it easy to dedicate ample time to each section of the HESI A2 exam.

You can alternate the subjects or review one until you are confident in your abilities before moving to the next.

But I’ll advise you to alternate the subjects because there are high chances you’ll forget the first subject content areas covered at the beginning of your exam prep.

Take Practice Tests

Practice tests always take the day when it comes to preparing for an exam.

HESI practice exams help you know the areas to dedicate more time.

You can narrow down your studies and drill into these areas until your performance improves.

Again, you’ll have first-hand experience on the HESI A2 exam.

Your confidence improves the more you take the practice questions because you better understand the exam content with each test.

Usually, I find it more productive taking the quizzes for each subject before going for full-length practice exams.

Let me clarify.

Taking the topic quizzes gives you an overview of how much you’ve understood a subject.

You can dedicate more study time to areas you are weak in and keep taking the quizzes to see improvement.

From there, the full-length practice exams will further reinforce the material you’ve already covered in the quizzes.

A perfect strategy to get your practice score up and ultimately the exam score.

Create or Join a Study Group

Groups are excellent because you get motivated by your peers and they also increase your productivity.

So, find peers on-campus or online who are preparing for the HESI exam and join them.

The group members will help you polish your weak areas and provide the support you need to cover the exam content.

They also keep you accountable until the exam date.

Be an active member and support them too.

Test-Taking Strategies for the HESI A2 Exam

here are tips to guide you on how you can get better scores in hesi a2 exam

Studying for the HESI A2 entrance exam is one thing and applying that knowledge on the test day is another.

So, here are tips to guide you on how best to tackle the exam questions.

Have Enough Rest

There are high chances you’ll be tempted to trans night the night before the exam.

Please, don’t.

Studies reveal that enough sleep keeps your mind sharp and body rejuvenated.

Lack of sleep, on the other hand, comes with fatigue.

You’ll not be able to focus and end up making mistakes.

Read the Questions Carefully

This is where most test-takers hit a snug.

Most students jump into conclusion before reading the whole question and choose the wrong answer.

The rule is simple: read the whole question even if you feel you already know what you are being asked.

Again, read all the answer choices before you choose the correct answer.

Suppose you don’t understand the question.

Re-read it until it makes sense.

The one thing I want to emphasize here is keywords.

Note keywords because they tell you what the question is asking.

In my experience, many nursing students fail not because they don’t know the answers, but because they don’t take their time with the question.

Let that not be you.

Pace Yourself Accordingly

Don’t waste your time on a question that you don’t have the slightest idea what it’s about.

You can give your best guess and return to it later when you are done.

Start by answering the questions you already know.

Be Confident in Yourself

Like most test-takers, a few difficult questions might shake your confidence.

Don’t be discouraged.

If you studied for the Health Education Systems, Inc, you have everything it takes to pass the exam.

Be confident in your abilities.

You’ve come too far to lose hope on the test day.

The Next Step in Your HESI A2 Exam Prep

keep focus on our many HESI study materials to pass hesi entrance exam

We’ve finally come to an end.

Our HESI A2 exam prep materials are exactly what you need to ace this entrance exam.

We’ve gone above and beyond to ensure you have all the resources at hand.

Review our many HESI A2 study materials to boost your preparation.

You can download our free HESI A2 study plan and start your test prep immediately.

But don’t leave it there.

You’ll be better placed if you also leverage our HESI A2 study guide, flashcards, practice exams and cheat sheets, all in this study series.

Best of luck!

HESI A2 Exam Prep FAQs

Here we answered some most coommonly asked questions in hesi preparation .

How do I prepare for the HESI A2 exam?

Start your preparation by creating a study plan that fits into your daily routine. Assemble the right study materials that suit your learning style. Review the foundational knowledge in the eight subjects. Take end-of-topic quizzes. Delve into full-length practice exams. You can get free HESI A2 practice test online.

Is the HESI A2 exam hard?

The HESI A2 exam is moderately difficult. However, if you use the right study tools like the HESI A2 study guide, flashcards, cheat sheets and practice exam, you’ll increase your chances of passing the exam. Review the challenging subjects like English and science section repeatedly.

How long does it take to prepare for HESI A2 exam?

It’s recommended you take one to two months to prepare for the HESI A2 exam. This period will allow you to cover the subject areas tested at your nursing school. HESI A2 prep requires you to dedicate at least an hour to three hours weekly.

What type of questions are on the HESI A2 exam?

The HESI A2 test is a multiple-choice exam. You get a question with four answer choices and you are expected to choose only one answer. A few of the exam questions are fill-in-the-blank. So, take practice tests that mimic the actual exam to have a feel of the exam.

What subjects are on the HESI A2 test?

The HESI A2 entrance exam has eight subjects: vocabulary and general knowledge, math skills, reading comprehension, anatomy and physiology, physics, biology, chemistry and grammar. The HESI A2 Exit exam covers three areas: clients needs, speciality areas and nursing areas. This test replicates the NCLEX exam.

What is the passing score on the HESI A2 exam?

Nursing schools have different passing scores. However, 75% and above is considered a good score. The exam is scored out of 100%. So, 90% to 100% is an excellent score. Scoring 80% to 90% is above average. 75% to 80% is good. Below 75% is fail and warrants a retake.

How much does the HESI A2 exam cost?

Like the passing score, the fee also varies by nursing school. However, you can expect to pay between $35 to $100. Some nursing programs charge more. The fee may vary depending on whether you are taking the exam on-campus, at a Prometric Testing Center or remotely.



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