Best Business Books on Kindle

The Amazon Kindle has been a hit success since its debut in 2007.

With over 20 million Kindles sold worldwide, the ease of access to reading and consuming new information has never been easier.

The Kindle library is filled with a plethora of genres, titles, and topics.

These genres range from non-fiction, to fiction, to historical and beyond.

While the Kindle ecosystem is alive and well, there are a slew of books available for career professionals.

These books offer self-help advice, career specific tips, and instructions on how to be a better manager.

We’re going to provide a list of the best business books on Kindle and the ones we recommend you download today.

Top 5 Business Books on Kindle

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change – An Amazon and Wall Street Journal best seller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a must read that guides you on each habit step-by-step.

The habits include being proactive, beginning with the end in mind, putting first things first, thinking about the win-win, seeking first to understand, synergize, and sharpening the saw.

The Intelligent Investor – Benjamin Graham may be the greatest investment advisor of the twentieth century.

He taught and inspired people on value investing, helping to shield investors from substantial error and teaches them to develop long-term strategies.

The Outsiders: Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success – Named one of Warren Buffett’s recommended reading list, The Outsiders presents a refreshing, counterintuitive take on what is needed to be a successful CEO.

How to Win Friends & Influence People – a self-help book written in 1936, Dale Carnegie’s book has sold over 15 million copies and was number 19 on Time Magazine’s list of the 100 most influential books.

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action – Simon Sinek looks to answer the question of why are some people and organizations more innovative, influential, and profitable than others?

Why do these same organizations command loyalty from customers and employees alike?

This book looks to show that all great leaders think, act, and communicate in the same way.

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