Welcome to the most comprehensive guide on CNL certification!
This article will break down the CNL certification examination requirements, the design, and the best way to prepare for it.
After reading this guide, you will have all the details to prepare for the CNL certification, CNL renewal, and professional development.
We will explain the following:
- What is CNL Certification
- Requirements
- How to prepare for it
- CNL renewal and professional development
Let’s have a look!
The certified Clinical Nurse Leader is a highly trained Nurse with an advanced degree that enables them to lead care coordination across any setting in today’s changing healthcare environment.
They provide direct patient services when needed, put evidence-based practices into action by overseeing complex situations, and ensure patients benefit from innovations within their field of expertise.
Clinical Nurse Leaders are in charge of implementing different diagnosis tools or treatment plans for various injuries/illnesses.
The CNL also has the final say on all matters concerning cohort risk assessment and determining what type(s)of the nursing home would best suit your loved one’s needs.
This includes making sure there are ample opportunities available so we can easily monitor how things go before committing fully.
The Clinical Nurse Leader is a new concept in the healthcare industry.
The Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) role was created after the need for point-of-care leadership was identified.
These master’s educated Nurses can do much more than minimize gross errors; they integrate evidence to improve the result and identify gaps in inpatient care while identifying redundancies with minimal risk or harm done along every step of their journey.
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) describes this as “Point Of Care”, which means these leaders provide direct remedial measures when needed most – they’re always ready!
The organization also notes that CNLs have a diversified skill set beyond just providing medical attention because it includes understanding disease processes alongside knowledge about human behavior modification techniques.
Hence, individuals learn better across various sectors.
To become a Clinical Nurse Leader, one must pass an examination provided by the AACN.
Candidates can only obtain the certification after completing their education and training programs usually offered before graduation or while studying for another degree at the college level (i.e., nursing).
What is CNL Certification?
Nursing is a highly competitive field in which to work.
For individuals who have graduated from certified nursing programs, the CNL Certification provides them with an additional layer of assurance that their skills can withstand even more rigorous testing than before!
The CNL Certification is a process by which individuals can become certified in nursing.
As with all else under the umbrella term “CNL”, the purpose of this certification is a bragging right for those who have completed graduate programs at one particular school – Masters And Postmasters.
All that stands between you and earning your brand new credential are eligibility requirements; if met successfully, then comes passing off onto what will undoubtedly be another set standards test!
The CNL Certification is an essential tool for employers, health professionals, and members of the public who have requirements in caregiving.
It assists them in assessing a candidate’s clinical competence and is well informed by knowledge about nursing practices at all levels, from basic First Aid to advanced cardiac techniques.
The requirement for graduate-level nursing education will ensure that these individuals bring high standards and expertise with them when providing patient-centered services.
Successful certification rates change from year to year but currently hover around seventy percent, with first-time failures uncommon amongst experienced candidates.
Clinical Nurse Leader Certification is subject to a five-year cycle renewal.
The Commission manages the Clinical Nurse Leader Certification Program on Nurse Certification (CNC), which exercises autonomy from AACN.
The program’s governance lies in a board of commissioners who are charged with ensuring that all requirements for CNLs are met, including those related to education and experience levels and practical skills like managing patients’ needs while staying within budget constraints.
The CNC Board of Commissioners and staff are solely responsible for the policies established in their CNL certification program.
The group recognizes professionals who have demonstrated knowledge and skill set levels that meet industry standards and understand how to work within a team environment with other skilled technicians like yourself!
So, what are the eligibility requirements for CNL certification?.
To be considered for full certification, a candidate must meet the following criteria:
- Must have current and valid Registered Nurse licensure (Candidates currently facing discipline actions are considered ineligible by the state Board of Nursing (BON)
- The candidate must have graduated from a CNL master’s or post-master’s program that prepares individuals with the CNL
You must ensure that a nursing accrediting agency accredits the institution you are enrolled in for the program.
The U.S Secretary of Education must recognize the agency.
To explore more and see the Faculty Eligibility Requirements, go to the CNL Initial Application Process website.
The exam
CNL Certification Exam is a computer-based three-hour exam that reflects the content from CNC’s job analysis study.
Content falls into three broad categories: clinical outcomes management, care environment management, and leadership.
Care environment management is weighted at 45%, while nursing leadership and clinical outcomes management are weighted at 32 and 23 percent.
The domains comprise sub-domains as follows:
- Nursing Leadership (patient assessment, lateral integration, horizontal leadership, implementation of the CNL role, and healthcare advocacy)
- Clinical Outcomes Management (health promotion, disease management, and healthcare policy)
- Care Environment Management (Team coordination, quality improvement, knowledge management, and interprofessional communication)
To ensure the highest administration quality, CNC’s Board of Commissioners reviews feedback from examinees and faculty every year.
Applicants must register online at http://www.aacnnursing.org/CNL-Certification/Apply-for-the-Exam.
To apply for the CNL examination, you must submit these forms along with your application fee:
- Online CNL Examination Application
- Online acceptance of the Application Attestation and CNL Standards of Conduct
- Online Education Documentation Form (submitted by the CNL Program Director)
- Online Request for Special Accommodations Form and Documentation of Disability-Related Needs Form (if applicable)
- Online CNL Faculty Eligibility Documentation Form (if applicable; submitted by the Dean)
When completing the application, be sure to:
- Write the name on all identification you will be using during testing—this includes any other forms of photo ID such as driver’s licenses or passports
- Make sure that it matches what is shown under your profile
- Be sure to save a copy of your application for later
- Print out copies if needed
CNL Exam Scaled Score
The CNC reports candidates’ test results as pass or fail.
Those who fail will receive their score and a detailed explanation of how they performed based on the content areas: Deficient (percent correct is 69% or less), Marginal(70%-76%) & Proficient 77+%.
The comparing process doesn’t determine if someone passed; instead, it provides more information about what was seen in each area so there can be improvements made moving forward.
The CNL exam is reported on a scale between 150-500.
You’ll need to score at least 350 or higher to pass the test.
This consists of 140 questions, with 130 being achieved and ten additional pre-test items designed specifically as testing tools to use later when writing more exams like these down future dates.
How to prepare for the CNL exam
The CNL examination has a total of 140 multiple-choice questions.
Some items are presented in a case study format.
The case study questions on the CNL exam are designed to test your skills in critical thinking and provide a simulation that simulates real-world situations.
These cases can be tricky because there may not always seem like one correct answer!
You have 3 hours for this examination, so don’t rush through anything – take time over each question carefully before selecting an option from among those given (and hopefully correctly!)
Here are some crucial tips for success:
- The test is coming up, and you’re unsure what to study? Don’t wait until the last minute! Begin preparing right away – While cramming may seem like a good idea, it’s highly discouraging.
- The CNL Certification Guide is a thorough introduction to the exam – read through it carefully
- The CNL Content Outline provides you with a rough outline of the areas covered on your exam – By noting how much weight each subdomain has, it’s easy to see which parts require more attention for them to feel familiar and stay interesting!
- Review and evaluate AACN’s Competencies and Curricular Expectations for Clinical Nurse Leader Education and Practice
- The Clinical Nurse Leader Practice Exam is the perfect way to prepare for your exam – you can take as many different practice tests in one go, so there’s no need to worry about missing any crucial questions! Sign up now
- The CNL Self-Assessment Exam is your opportunity to identify areas that need improvement – Find success by taking this test and seeing how you stack up against various domains and sub-domains
- The CNL examination is a tough test, and it can be challenging to know where your gaps in knowledge lie – to help with this, use the Personal Action Plan as an initial step towards developing strategies that will prepare you for subdomains that may feel more unfamiliar than others! It also helps you plan out how much study would work best with what type of learner (i.e., visual vs. hearing)
- Take a look at the list of CNL Recommended Reading – these books will help you prepare for your certification exam, but they’re not guaranteed to get it passed
- The Additional Exam Resources page is a great place to find helpful tools for your exams
- You can form a study group with other exam candidates to help you prepare for the test more interaction and discussion about what is going on in your head may do wonders when trying to remember all relevant information and review any areas where necessary skills were lacking earlier on, which might be helpful if needed later
- The best way to prepare for the test is by preparing yourself in advance – make sure you know when and where it will be given, and have all of your materials with valid identification ready and the confirmation notice
It is essential to have the right environment for your exam.
That’s why we’ve selected testing centers all over America and internationally!
These established sites provide access to as many candidates in controlled, secure environments as possible with consistency.
The CNC and Prometric SMT are committed to providing all candidates with an equal opportunity for success.
They design examination administration standards that maintain security, fairness of the test-taking environment, and the ability to ensure each candidate has access systems in place if needed during their exam time frame.
CNL Renewal and Continuing Education requirements
The CNL Renewal Guidelines are essential to you, so please review them before submitting your application.
You are highly recommended to submit your application one month before the expiration date.
The CNL renewal application process is simple!
Log into your MyCNC Profile and complete the CNL Renewal Application to renew your certification.
The last step will involve processing your payment. Some other additional information that you may be required to fulfill includes:
- Prove your valid and active licensure by providing your current RN License number, the subject state, and expiry date
- Ensure that you comply with the Standards of Conduct
- Narrate your employment history within the five-year CNL certification cycle – worth noting is you need 2,000 hours of clinical practice – The job title may not be listed as “Clinical Nurse Leader” to renew
- Prove 50 contact hours earned within the last five-year CNL certification cycle – if your contact hours do not add up, you can use the hours used to renew your RN license
Certification renewal is an attestation that the certified CNL maintains current and relevant knowledge of their role.
Please note that retesting is not required.
The Benefits of Certification
CNL certification is a rigorous, comprehensive examination that proves you have mastered the knowledge and skills of an experienced Nurse.
The successful candidate will demonstrate their proficiency in all areas beyond the RN license to achieve this high-level award-which can help get thicker positions or even initiate new careers!
The CNL designation is a symbol of commitment and integrity.
It’s earned by professionals who have made their knowledge base objective and sustained professional growth through continuing education programs or other means to keep up with current trends in the industry.
It provides clients an assurance that you’re always aware of what they need, even if it changes every day.
CNL certification is an essential requirement for anyone looking to work as a Certified Nurse Leader.
Earning your CNL credential demonstrates your commitment to excellence in patient care and sets you apart from your peers.
Becoming certified can be daunting, but this guide will give you the information you need to make it through the process successfully.
From taking the exams to meeting the experience requirements, this guide will cover everything you need to know to earn your CNL certification.
So if you’re ready to take your career to the next level, read on to learn how to become a Clinical Nurse Leader.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is a CNL certification?
The CNL certification is a special mark of excellence that recognizes graduates with accepted standards in clinical nursing leaders who have successfully completed masters, post-masters, or similar graduate-level programs to become leaders. These people are committed not only to providing quality services but also to promoting safe and healthy practices.
What are the CNL core competencies?
To carry the role of a Certified Nurse Leader, you need to possess a set of core competencies. These competencies include patient advocacy, ethical decision-making, financial management, and evidence-based practice. In addition, Certified Nurse Leaders must be able to effectively communicate with patients, families, and other members of the team.
How hard is the CNL exam?
The CNL exam is not easy, but it is achievable with the right preparation. Test-takers must be familiar with the CNL role to answer questions. Additionally, careful study and practice boost your confidence on test day. Even if you don’t pass on your first try, there is a second chance.
How do you become a CNL?
Nurses must first complete their Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and pass the NCLEX-RN exam before enrolling in a Master’s of Science (MSN) Clinical Nurse Leader program. Obtaining CNL certification from the Commission on Nurse Certification is a must.
How long does it take to become a CNL?
The average person takes seven to eight years before they are able to work as CNLs but every individual’s career trajectory depends on current educational track; experience in nursing while also taking into account the location where one resides can affect how quickly someone achieves this goal.
What are the Nursing Certification organizations?
If you’re interested in pursuing nursing certification, there are many organizations that can help. The top organizations in the country include:
– American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN)
– American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board (AANPCB)
– American Board for Occupational Health Nurses (ABOHN)
How to pass the CNL exam?
The CNL Certification Guide and Exam Prep section of the website has a wealth of information to help you prepare for your certification test. You will find resources including:
– CNL Content Outline and Job Analysis Study
– Personal Action Plan
– Self-Assessment Exam
– CNL Practice Exam
– Recommended Reading List