Hello there, and welcome to this in-demand article on nationwide insurance agents.
As you already know, people are pouring into the insurance field nowadays as agents, but not everyone is sure of which path to take.
Reading this insightful article will help you understand the responsibilities of a national insurance agent.
You will also get to know what it takes to be considered as a licensed insurance agent.
Here are some of the points we will cover:
Let’s start right away!
Responsibilities of a nationwide insurance agent
As a nationwide insurance agent, you are expected to market and sell new insurance policies from Nationwide insurance company to customers.
You will persuade existing clients to renew insurance subscriptions as this helps nationwide to retain their customer base.
In the middle of all these, you will make calls, schedule meetings with old and new customers, and convince them through several explanations.
You are also expected to sift through policies and help them compare packages based on their current needs and pricing.
For this to happen, you must be well-informed of any change in policy in terms of life insurance or business insurance.
You must be ready to communicate these changes to your client as soon as possible.
You need great communication skills for you to fulfill these tasks.
You must also enjoy explaining and marketing packages from policyholders.
Here is a summary of your responsibilities
Generate leads: The company will pay you for your services, hence they also have an expectation of you.
They expect you to use any legal means possible to generate leads for the company.
The methods used by most insurance agents include placing ads in local newspapers, attending events where you will meet new clients, purchasing contact lists, making calls, and scheduling a meeting with clients either online or offline.
Interview clients: In a typical interview with clients, you will listen to them talk about their needs for personal insurance.
During the interview, think of current insurance policies that can best satisfy your client’s needs and recommend the best for them.
During such interviews, the clients will ask questions relating to any insurance product you suggest.
This includes the pricing, commissions, accepted payment methods, and the client’s budget.
You will do all you can to provide satisfying answers to them all.
Market and sell insurance products: Remember that we mentioned how important persuasion is for a nationwide insurance agent?
It is important because some clients already have in mind some other plan, they have either heard or read about.
As you listen to them explain their needs, you realize that what they need is another type of insurance plan from nationwide.
It is your responsibility to convince them that your newly suggested policy is what will really satisfy their insurance needs.
Nationwide insurance agents also market annual policy renewals.
This helps in order to help your company retain old customers.
In selling insurance plans, you must be honest because if you aren’t, you run the risk of losing your clients.
Provide ongoing servicing: When you have succeeded in selling an insurance policy, you must always be on hand to provide appropriate customer support services.
From time to time, your clients will need answers to some questions.
You are the first point of contact because you persuaded them that this new policy is just what they need.
Make sure your personal lines or your commercial lines are readily available as an appointed agent.
You must also be ready to discourage them from changing plans if they are exposed to another policy in some way.
Apart from the qualities we have mentioned, you must also be patient and understanding.
They may even call you in the middle of the night to find out their next move.
Do not take it personally when they reach out to you at awkward times of the day. It is part of the job.
How to become a nationwide insurance agent
Before being awarded the license to represent nationwide insurance as an agent, you must meet some criteria.
Must be licensed: Without obtaining an insurance license, you cannot work as a nationwide agent.
To obtain a license, you need the following:
- Take insurance educational courses
- Obtain at least a college degree
- Complete the course work as stipulated by your state
- Pay the required fee
- Study to pass the exam.
If you are confused about how to proceed with these actions, do some research about the licensing requirements in your state.
You can also visit nationwide.com for more information.
Apply for a position at Nationwide: On passing the exam, proceed to a Nationwide insurance agency to apply for a position as an insurance agent.
You can also search online for similar job openings from Nationwide.
Don’t forget, your license is valid for three years.
At the end of three years, you need to renew your license if you desire to keep working as a nationwide insurance agent.
Keep in mind that all these requirements may vary by state.
How much does a nationwide insurance agent make?
According to the bureau of labor statistics, a licensed nationwide insurance agent can make $52,000 in a year.
This figure is above the national average in the U.S.
If you are not a licensed agent, you will get paid lower.
In addition to that, there are certain insurance-related tasks that are on your side.
Without being certified, your chances of working nationwide are very slim.
To get certified, you must obtain a high school diploma.
To increase your chances of being considered eligible to write the exam, you can obtain a university degree.
As a general rule in the United States, all insurance agents must be licensed in order to practice their profession freely.
Do you want to work as an insurance agent with Nationwide?
Have you ever wondered how to become a nationwide insurance agent?
This article has no doubt solved every doubt and answered any question you may have asked in the past.
These insurance agents represent a big name, and as such, are known to be hardworking and diligent with their tasks.
Although this career path does have lots of benefits, there are challenges as well.
But with the information in this article, we are sure that your skepticism has been erased.
And if you find someone else who’s in need of this important information, do not hesitate to direct them to this written piece.