At the beginning of this page, you will discover a button granting complete access to the Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT) practice test. Immediately beneath this, you have the chance to participate in an extensive practice test designed for in-depth review. These tests are essential instruments for showcasing your abilities, identifying improvement needs, and honing your study approach.

To further elevate your preparation, especially in areas needing more focus, we have curated specialized quizzes. These quizzes are meticulously designed to concentrate on specific segments of the CPCT exam, offering a focused and effective study journey.

Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT) Domain Exams

The Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT) exam, administered by the National Healthcareer Association (NHA), evaluates a candidate’s proficiency in several critical areas of patient care. This certification is essential for those looking to establish a career in healthcare as it validates their ability to perform various tasks related to patient care, compliance, safety, and technical procedures. 

Below, I’ll detail the specific domains covered in the CPCT exam:

Domain 1: Patient Care

  • Percentage of Exam: 45%
  • Key Topics: This section tests knowledge and skills in direct patient care, covering aspects like bathing, feeding, and assisting patients in their daily activities. It emphasizes the importance of understanding patient needs, communication, and the ability to provide compassionate care.

Welcome to your CPCT Domain 1: Patient Care

Domain 2: Compliance, Safety, and Professional Responsibility

  • Percentage of Exam: 20%
  • Key Topics: Candidates are assessed on their understanding of legal and ethical considerations in healthcare, safety protocols, emergency procedures, and their professional responsibilities. This domain ensures that technicians are aware of the regulatory environment and can maintain a safe and effective care setting.

Welcome to your CPCT Domain 2: Compliance, Safety, and Professional Responsibility

Domain 3: Infection Control

  • Percentage of Exam: 11%
  • Key Topics: This section focuses on the principles of infection control, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), sterilization techniques, and the prevention of healthcare-associated infections. A thorough understanding of infection control practices is critical for patient and healthcare worker safety.

Welcome to your CPCT Domain 3: Infection Control

Domain 4: Phlebotomy

  • Percentage of Exam: 14%
  • Key Topics: Phlebotomy questions assess the candidate’s ability to perform blood collection procedures safely and effectively. This includes knowledge of venipuncture, capillary collection, specimen handling, and labeling requirements.

Welcome to your CPCT Domain 4: Phlebotomy

Domain 5: EKG

  • Percentage of Exam: 10%
  • Key Topics: This domain tests the candidate’s understanding of electrocardiography, including the setup and operation of EKG equipment, basic interpretation of EKG results, and patient preparation. Knowledge in this area is crucial for monitoring and assessing cardiac health.

Welcome to your CPCT Domain 5: EKG

Exam Domain% of ExamKey Topics
Patient Care28%Direct patient care, communication, compassionate care.
Compliance, Safety, and Professional Responsibility21%Legal/ethical considerations, safety protocols, professional responsibilities.
Infection Control20%Infection control practices, PPE, sterilization.
Phlebotomy17%Blood collection, venipuncture, specimen handling.
EKG14%EKG setup and operation, basic interpretation, patient preparation.

Additional Important Information

  • Total Number of Questions: The CPCT exam typically consists of 150 scored questions, plus 20 unscored pretest questions, making a total of 170 questions. The unscored questions are used for research purposes and do not affect your final score.
  • Exam Duration: Candidates are allotted 3 hours to complete the exam.
  • Certification Validity: The CPCT certification is valid for two years, after which certified individuals must complete continuing education and pay a recertification fee to maintain their certification.
  • Study Resources: The NHA provides a range of study materials, including study guides, practice tests, and detailed outlines of exam content. These resources are invaluable for preparing for the exam and are available on the NHA’s official website.

Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT) Exam Breakdown

The Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT) Exam is a certification process for healthcare professionals who assist doctors, nurses, and other healthcare specialists in providing care to patients. This certification is often pursued by individuals working as patient care technicians (PCTs), nursing assistants, orderlies, or similar roles within healthcare facilities. The certification aims to validate the competency and professional skills necessary to perform in these roles effectively.

Breakdown of the CPCT Exam:

  1. Eligibility Requirements: To sit for the CPCT exam, candidates usually need to have completed a training program or have a certain amount of practical experience in the field. Specific requirements can vary, so it’s important to check with the certifying body.
  2. Exam Content: The CPCT exam typically covers a wide range of topics relevant to patient care, including basic nursing skills, patient hygiene and comfort, vital signs monitoring, assisting with medical procedures, infection control, and safety protocols.
  3. Format and Length: The exam format can include multiple-choice questions, practical assessments, or a combination of both. The length of the exam and the number of questions can vary but are designed to comprehensively assess the candidate’s knowledge and skills.
  4. Preparation Materials: Various resources are available for candidates preparing for the CPCT exam, including textbooks, online courses, practice exams, and study guides. These materials often cover the exam content in-depth and provide tips and strategies for passing the exam.
  5. Registration and Fees: Candidates must register for the exam through the certifying organization’s website and pay any associated fees. It’s important to register well in advance of the desired exam date to secure a spot.
  6. Certification and Recertification: Upon passing the CPCT exam, candidates receive certification that is usually valid for a certain period, often two years. To maintain certification, certified patient care technicians must complete continuing education units (CEUs) or pass a recertification exam.

How to Become CPCT Certified

Becoming a Certified Patient Care Technician/Assistant (CPCT/A) involves a series of steps, including education, experience, and successfully passing an examination. The certification is designed to validate your skills and knowledge in the field, ensuring you are prepared to support nurses, doctors, and other healthcare professionals with direct patient care.

Steps to Become a CPCT/A:

  • Complete a Training Program: Enroll in a patient care technician program at a vocational school, community college, or online learning platform. These programs typically include coursework in basic nursing skills, phlebotomy, EKG administration, and clinical practice. The length of the programs can vary but often last from several months to a year.
  • Gain Hands-on Experience: Some programs include an externship or clinical hours as part of the curriculum, allowing you to gain hands-on experience in a healthcare setting under supervision.
  • Pass a Certification Exam: After completing your training, you must pass a certification exam to earn your CPCT/A designation. The National Healthcareer Association (NHA) offers the CPCT/A certification exam. Requirements to sit for the exam include completing a training program or having equivalent work experience.

Remember, requirements may vary slightly by state or employer, so it’s essential to check the specific requirements in your area or for your desired job role. Achieving certification can significantly impact your job prospects, salary potential, and career advancement in the healthcare industry.

Our Experience Teaching CPCT Candidates To Pass The Exam

At Career Employer, developing our Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT) practice tests has been an incredible adventure marked by significant achievements and challenges. Inspired by the wide array of topics covered by the exam, our goal was to cater to the unique needs of our learners.

Our method has been carefully crafted to ensure that every student is well-prepared to excel in the exam. Our commitment to providing a comprehensive educational experience shines through in the detailed and broad coverage of our practice materials, highlighting our dedication to our students’ success.

Teaching a Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT) certification course from a lecturer’s perspective involves a comprehensive approach that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills training to prepare students for their roles in healthcare settings. Here’s an overview of the process, including resources that are often utilized:

Curriculum Development

  • Understanding the CPCT Exam Requirements: First, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the CPCT certification exam content outline provided by the certifying body, such as the National Healthcareer Association (NHA). This ensures that the curriculum covers all necessary topics.
  • Integrating Theoretical and Practical Components: The curriculum should balance theoretical knowledge with practical skills. For theoretical aspects, textbooks and online resources like the NHA study guides can be invaluable. Practical skills training might involve lab work and clinical simulations to give students hands-on experience.

Teaching Strategies

  • Interactive Learning: Engaging students through interactive methods like group discussions, case studies, and role-playing helps in reinforcing learning and developing critical thinking skills.
  • Use of Technology: Incorporating technology in teaching, such as online simulations, virtual labs, and e-learning platforms, can enhance understanding and provide access to a wealth of resources.
  • Continuous Assessment and Feedback: Regular quizzes, practice exams, and skill assessments help in tracking progress and providing immediate feedback for improvement.

Teaching Resources

  • Textbooks and Manuals: Selecting comprehensive textbooks that cover both the theoretical aspects and clinical skills necessary for CPCTs is essential. Publishers often provide online resources and companion websites for further learning.
  • Online Platforms: Websites like Khan Academy, Coursera, and specific healthcare education portals offer courses and materials that can supplement teaching. These platforms may offer videos, quizzes, and interactive modules.
  • Professional Organizations: Joining professional organizations like the American Association of Patient Care Technicians (AAPCT) can provide access to the latest research, teaching resources, and networking opportunities.
  • Simulation Tools and Equipment: Investing in or utilizing existing simulation labs with manikins and other equipment for teaching practical skills is critical. This allows students to practice in a safe and controlled environment.

Challenges and Solutions

  • Keeping Up with Healthcare Changes: Healthcare is a rapidly evolving field. Lecturers need to stay updated with the latest practices and integrate them into the curriculum. This may involve continuous professional development and attending workshops/seminars.
  • Student Engagement and Motivation: To keep students engaged, lecturers can incorporate varied teaching methods and real-world examples. Creating a supportive classroom environment and providing mentorship can also motivate students.
  • Balancing Theory and Practice: Ensuring that students are not only proficient in theoretical knowledge but also in practical skills is a challenge. Structuring the course to gradually increase in complexity and providing ample practical exposure can help bridge this gap.

Teaching CPCT certification demands a well-rounded approach that prepares students for the realities of patient care. While this overview does not link to specific resources due to the limitations of this platform, lecturers can find a wealth of information through educational publishers, professional organizations, and healthcare education platforms. Engaging with a community of educators through forums and conferences can also provide valuable insights and resources.

At Career Employer, our Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT) certification practice tests represent the pinnacle of dedication and expertise from a team deeply committed to preparing candidates for the CPCT exam. This group of experts brings together a wealth of knowledge and extensive experience, laying the foundation for over 1000 patient carers to achieve their CPCT certifications, with a keen emphasis on meeting the unique needs of medical assistants.

Comprising veteran professionals, each with more than ten years of specialized experience in caring for patients, our team ensures that our practice materials are not only crafted by the foremost authorities in the field but are also exceptionally effective in equipping candidates for success in their certification efforts. Our unwavering commitment to excellence guarantees that individuals utilizing our materials are comprehensively prepared and fully confident in their ability to reach their certification objectives.

Effective Study Strategies and Methods

To excel in the Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT) exam, adopting effective study strategies is crucial. Based on insights from MedCerts, ICEVOnline, and the National Healthcareer Association (NHA), here are comprehensive strategies and resources to prepare for the exam:

  • Understand the CPCT Exam Structure and Content: Familiarize yourself with the exam’s five domains: Patient Care, Compliance, Safety, and Professional Responsibility, Infection Control, Phlebotomy, and EKG. Each domain encompasses specific knowledge areas and skills critical for patient care technicians​​​​.
  • Eligibility Requirements: Ensure you meet the eligibility requirements for the CPCT exam, which typically include a high school diploma or equivalent and a specific amount of work experience or completion of a patient care technician program​​.
  • Choose Comprehensive Study Materials: Utilize a mix of study materials. While test prep materials are tailored for exam success, incorporating a foundational patient care technician curriculum can provide a broader understanding necessary for both the exam and career success. Digital curriculum systems are recommended for their up-to-date content and alignment with industry standards​​.
  • Incorporate Interactive Learning Tools: Engage with interactive learning tools offered by organizations like NHA. These tools, including online study guides, practice tests, and flashcards, are designed to reinforce knowledge, identify areas that need improvement, and build confidence for the exam day​​.
  • Supplemental Study Resources: Beyond primary study materials, augment your learning with additional resources such as Quizlet for flashcards and practice exams. However, ensure the accuracy of these supplementary materials as they’re not always monitored for alignment with the CPCT exam content​​.
  • Practical Skills and Simulation: Since the CPCT exam involves practical skills in areas like phlebotomy and EKG, hands-on practice is essential. Utilize simulation tools and engage in as much practical experience as possible to become proficient in these skills​​.
  • Focused Review and Remediation: Take advantage of tools that offer focused review based on your practice test performance. This approach helps pinpoint areas where you need more study, ensuring efficient use of your preparation time​​.
  • Register for the Exam: Once you feel prepared, register for the exam through the NHA’s official website. You have options to take the exam at a testing center or through live remote proctoring​​.


CPCT/A Exam FeeUSD 160
Training Program Cost (Varies)USD 2,000 to USD 10,000/year
Books, Materials & Fees+USD 500 to USD 2,200
Online CPCT Certification Exam (AAH)USD 110

The cost and process of obtaining a Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT) certification encompass various steps, from initial training and examination fees to potential study materials and post-exam certification maintenance.

Examination Cost

The Certified Patient Care Technician/Assistant (CPCT/A) exam costs USD 160. This fee is paid when scheduling the exam date either online or in-person​​​​.

Training and Study Material Costs

The cost for preparatory courses and materials varies widely depending on the chosen training path. For instance, community colleges might charge around USD 3,450 for their programs, while online colleges can range from USD 2,000 to USD 10,000 per year. This fee usually includes tuition, books, materials, and sometimes the certification exam fees. However, additional materials and fees could add USD 500 to USD 2,200 to the total cost​​.

For self-study candidates, the National Healthcareer Association (NHA) offers various study materials. Although the website doesn’t list prices for all individual materials directly, it suggests that study guides and practice tests are available for purchase to aid in preparation​​.

Additional Fees and Considerations

  • American Allied Health (AAH) offers an online CPCT certification exam for USD 110, which includes a topical study guide, practice tests, and one retake exam​​. This can be a more affordable pathway for those already trained or with job experience in the field.
  • Certification maintenance and renewal costs vary by the certifying organization. Continuing education (CE) requirements must also be met to keep the certification current. The AAH, for instance, emphasizes the importance of staying current by completing CEs each year​​.

Prospective CPCTs must account for the cost of the certification exam, preparatory courses or study materials, and potential additional fees for certification maintenance. Prices vary depending on the chosen educational institution, study materials, and the certifying body. It’s essential to research and consider all potential costs and pathways to certification, including community colleges, online courses, and self-study options, to find the best fit for your budget and career goals.

Reliable Study Materials and Resources

To prepare for the Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT) certification exam, a range of online resources are available that cater to various aspects of the exam content, including patient care, safety, professional responsibilities, infection control, phlebotomy, and EKG monitoring. 

Here’s a comprehensive guide to some of the best online resources you can use:

  • NHA Learning Solutions: The National Healthcareer Association (NHA) offers digital learning tools and interactive study guides aligned with the CPCT/A exam. Their resources include games, quizzes, flashcards, and simulated conversations with virtual patients. They also provide a set of three different 100-question practice tests to help identify areas needing improvement​​.
  • MedCerts: MedCerts provides an extensive guide on how to pass the CPCT exam, including eligibility requirements, exam sections, and content. This guide offers a deep dive into the domains covered by the exam and outlines the essential knowledge and skills needed for each section​​.
  • Mometrix Test Preparation: Mometrix offers a free Patient Care Technician practice test along with flashcards to help break down complex subjects into easily understandable concepts. Their resources emphasize the importance of using practice tests to identify weak areas and offer strategies on how to study effectively for the CPCT/A exam​​.
  • MedCerts Online Certification Training: For those seeking a structured educational program, MedCerts provides a 24-week online Patient Care Technician certificate program. This comprehensive program covers anatomy and physiology, medical law and ethics, medical communications, and more, preparing students for the CPCT exam. The course includes expert-led video training, eBooks, and competency assessments, and covers the certification exam fee​​.
  • offers a CPCT/A Patient Care Exam Test Prep module with 150 free study questions and explanations. Their questions cover all aspects of the CPCT exam and can be an excellent tool for self-assessment and exam practice​​.

Utilizing a combination of these resources can provide a well-rounded preparation strategy, addressing both the knowledge needed for the exam and the practical skills essential for a career as a patient care technician. Each resource offers unique tools and learning materials, so exploring several can help you find the best fit for your study style and needs.

Tips for Exam Day

To excel on your Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT) exam, consider the following tips gleaned from various sources, including MedCerts, AES Education, PracticeQuiz, and Exam Edge.

Understanding the CPCT Exam

The CPCT exam, administered by the National Healthcareer Association (NHA), evaluates knowledge and skills across several domains, including patient care, safety, professional responsibilities, infection control, phlebotomy, and EKG monitoring. It consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, with a passing score set at 390 out of a possible 500​​.

Preparing for the Exam

  • Identify Your Learning Style: Understand how you learn best—whether through visuals, reading, practice, or listening—to tailor your study plan effectively.
  • Study Plan: Create a detailed study plan that includes reviewing the exam requirements, organizing your materials, and setting aside regular study times. Break your preparation into manageable sections aligned with the CPCT exam’s domains​​.
  • Use a Blend of Resources: Utilize a combination of study materials, including textbooks, digital curriculum systems, and online resources. This will help cover the exam’s breadth and keep information current. Note that relying solely on textbooks might lead to studying outdated information due to the healthcare industry’s fast-paced changes​​.
  • Practice Tests: Engage with practice tests to familiarize yourself with the exam’s format and question types. PracticeQuiz offers a module with 150 review questions and correct answer explanations, covering all aspects of the CPCT exam. This kind of practice can help identify areas where further review is needed and improve your test-taking strategies​​.
  • Supplemental Resources: Besides textbooks and practice tests, consider adding other resources like flashcards or online study tools to reinforce learning. However, ensure these supplemental materials are accurate and align with the NHA’s standards​​.
  • Test-Taking Strategies: Develop strategies to effectively approach the exam, such as time management, reading questions carefully, and knowing how to guess intelligently on questions you’re unsure about.
  • Self-Care: Don’t overlook the importance of good sleep, nutrition, and stress management leading up to the exam. Being in good physical and mental health can significantly impact your performance.

By following these tips and utilizing a variety of resources, you can increase your chances of passing the CPCT exam and advancing your career as a patient care technician. Remember, thorough preparation is key to success, and leveraging multiple study tools can provide a comprehensive understanding of the material covered in the exam.

Post-Exam: Next Steps

After you’ve taken the Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT) exam, there are several steps and resources to consider, whether you’re awaiting results, planning to enhance your skills further, or preparing for a retake in case you didn’t pass.

If You Passed the Exam

  • Certification and Beyond: Once you pass the exam, explore the National Healthcareer Association’s (NHA) offerings for professional development and continuing education to keep your certification current and enhance your skills​​.
  • Career Advancement: Utilize NHA’s resources for career advancement. This includes accessing their job board, engaging in professional development courses, and considering additional certifications for stacked credentials which can broaden your expertise and employment opportunities​​.
  • Stay Updated: Stay engaged with the latest healthcare trends and updates through NHA’s Care + Career Blog and subscribe to their email updates for ongoing professional insights​​.

If You Need to Retake the Exam

  • Review and Prepare: Analyze your detailed score report available in your NHA account to identify areas for improvement. NHA provides test plans and study materials tailored to the CPCT exam, helping focus your preparation on areas where you need the most improvement​​.
  • Practice Tests: Consider utilizing NHA’s practice assessments, which are designed to simulate the actual CPCT exam. This can help familiarize you with the exam format and types of questions you’ll encounter​​.
  • Study Materials: Leverage NHA’s exam study guides and online resources. These materials are developed to aid in understanding the concepts and knowledge areas covered in the exam, beyond mere memorization of facts​​.
  • Reduce Test Anxiety: Implement strategies to manage test anxiety and stress. Regular study habits, understanding the exam format, and being well-rested on the day of the exam can help alleviate nerves and improve your performance​​.
  • Retake Policy: If you don’t pass the exam, you can re-apply to sit for it again after a 30-day waiting period, allowing you ample time to prepare. Note that each exam attempt requires a fee, so it’s beneficial to utilize this preparation time effectively to improve your chances of success on your next attempt​​.

Additional Resources

  • NHA Help Center: For any queries related to the exam, certification process, or preparation materials, the NHA Help Center provides comprehensive support and resources for learners and professionals​​.

Taking these steps after your CPCT exam can help ensure that you’re well-prepared for a successful career as a patient care technician, whether you’re moving forward with new certifications or focusing on improving your exam scores for a retake.


  1. “American Medical Certification Association.”
  2. “How to Pass CPCT Certification Exam – MedCerts.”
  3. “Steps to Prep Students for NHA CPCT/A Exam – iCEV.”
  4. “Patient Care Technician/Assistant – NHA.”
  5. “MedCerts.”
  6. “iCEV Online.”
  7. “National Healthcareer Association (NHA).”
  8. “Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT/A) Examination – NHA – CTE Resource Center.”
  9. “CPCT/A Exam Sell Sheet – NHA Certportal Store.”
  10. “Patient Care Technician – Health Tech Academy.”
  11. “Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT) – American Allied Health.”
  12. “Patient Care Technician Exam – Mometrix Academy.”
  13. “Patient Care Technician Program – MedCerts.”
  14. “CPCT/A Patient Care Exam Test Prep – Practice Quiz.”
  15. “NHA Certified Patient Care Technician/Assistant (CPCT) Practice Tests & Study Guide – Exam Edge.”
  16. “What is NHA CPCT/A Exam & How Do You Prepare Students for It – iCEV Blog.”
  17. “How to Become a Patient Care Technician as a CNA – Adv Clinical.”
  18. “Certified Patient Care Technician/Assistant (CPCT/A) – NHA.”
  19. “YouTube.”
  20. “Get Certified – NHA.”
  21. “What to Do if You Didn’t Pass Your Exam – NHA Blog.”
  22. “Learner & Professional Resources – NHA.”
  23. “Anyone taking their PCT exam? – Reddit.”
  24. “YouTube.”
  25. “Is Patient Care Technician Certification Worth It? – Health Tech Academy.”

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