From a young age, a common question asked is, “what do you want to be when you get older?”
While the question may seem easy and innocuous, at a young age, it can be a dreaded one as you get older.
And whether you’re a recent college graduate or looking for a career change, a career strength or career aptitude test can help you narrow down the field.
Struggling to find the perfect career or industry to enter is a common problem.
In fact, nearly three-fourths of United States workers in their 30’s want a career change.
Whether you’re one of those individuals or are a graduating senior looking to begin your career, these career tests will help you to make the right decision.
The best career strength tests are ones that are inherently unbiased and objective.
While there are a plethora of different tests online, purporting to provide the assistance you’re seeking, many of them are biased or attempt to push a certain industry.
The below career strength and aptitude tests have been fully vetted by our team here.
We took the time to go through each one individually and hope that you are able to gain the knowledge and path that is best for you.
While no career strength or career aptitude test is infallible, they should be able to assist you in narrowing down your search.
When taking one of these career tests, do not focus on the potential money you can earn or whether or not you have experience in any given field.
Rather, take the test without any bias or preconceived notions.
This will help you to ensure you are given accurate, correct results.
What is a Career Strength or Career Aptitude Test?
Put simply, a career strength or career aptitude test is a test that is designed to help you match to an ideal career.
Ideally, you should take these tests in high school, college, or immediately after graduation.
The reason?
Because taking this test will help you to narrow your search for a job that is perfectly suited to your strengths and interests.
Career strength and career aptitude tests are designed to assess an individual’s interests, values, preferences, and positive and negative associations.
The career aptitude test is meant to provide you with information on what motivates and interests you and can help you to specify a niche or industry in which you would be most successful.
How Long do Career Strength or Career Aptitude Tests Take to Complete?
Generally, career strength and career aptitude tests should take no longer than one-hour to complete.
While some tests are shorter, and some are longer, they generally fall within the one-hour range.
The questions asked are based on an individual’s personality and interest and shouldn’t be too difficult to complete.
123 Career Test
123 Career Test has offered over 1.5 million tests completed in the previous 30-days, so you know they must be doing something correct.
The test takes approximately 15-minutes to complete and is completely free.
The test is based on a characterization of an individual’s personality based on the Holland Code personality types.
This will help you to learn what kind of work and occupation environment suits you best.
Princeton Review Career Test
The Princeton Review Career Test, offered by Princeton Review, which offers tutoring, test preparation, and admission products and services.
The test consists of 24 questions, formatted in a “would you rather” format.
Upon completion of the test, you will be assigned a certain color which offers a perspective of the career that is best suited for you.
Truity boasts over one million career tests taken in the previous thirty-days.
Their test helps you to find a job you love by matching your personality and interests to real-world careers.
In just fifteen minutes, this career test measures key personality factors to help show you the exact careers that suit your strengths and avoids your weaknesses.
My Next Move
My Next Move, sponsored by the US Department of Labor, offers a self-paced test that helps you identify where your career interests and interests lie.
Upon completion, the test points you to career paths that you may find interesting.
In addition, once you’ve completed the test, the site will show you different careers and how much preparation is needed to get into them.
Career Fitter
Career Fitter boasts that one of their tests is taken every three seconds!
Recommended by national publications including Forbes and Psychology Today, the test is trusted by universities and career coaches around the world.
By taking this test, you’ll be able to discover your work personality strength and the best careers for you.
In taking the test you’ll find potential career matches, what your core work strengths and weaknesses are, your income potential based on job matching, and what your preferred communication and business environment is.
This is definitely one of the best free online career tests when you have no idea what you want to do!
Career Explorer
Career Explorer is one of the most comprehensive career strength and career aptitude tests available online.
Utilizing four dimensions of fit, Career Explorer is able to narrow in on what career would be perfect for each individual.
Career Explorer basis their findings on interests, history and goals, workplace, and personality.
By looking through these four dimensions, they are able to better assess potential career matches.
In addition, by looking through these four dimensions, Career Explorer is able to ensure that any future career choice will be one that you are both interested in and will be able to get a foothold in.
My Plan
My Plan offers a unique take on the career assessment test.
Rather than simply looking at your interests and previous history, it takes into account your values.
By looking at your values, the test is able to provide you with a list of careers and industries which match-up accordingly.
My Plan separates work values into six separate and unique clusters.
After completing the test, you will be assigned to one of those clusters, which will show you a list of 739 occupations by rank on how well you match to each.
PathSource offers a free, mobile application on both iOS and Android devices.
Once you complete the test, you’ll be provided with a potential list of career options.
What’s interesting with PathSource, is that they will provide a focus on finances and financial liberty.
This is done by taking into account your current finances and what an ideal salary would be.
Once this has been determined, PathSource will advise specific careers and industries that will be able to support your financial goals and current lifestyle.
Lastly, PathSource has curated over 2,600 videos of informational interviews with individuals who currently hold positions in a career you may be interested in.
You can watch these videos and gain a better and deeper understanding of what is needed to enter, and succeed, in those fields.
While there are a plethora of differing career strength and career aptitude tests available online, you want to beware of ones that are costly or advertise services which they are unable to deliver on.
The best career strength tests are generally ones that are based on personality tests and assessments.
From the lists we’ve provided, these career strength and career aptitude tests are, generally, very good at narrowing down your search.
Most of these tests will be based on interests and personality, but you will find some that are looking at your previous history and experience as an adequate barometer.
Whichever test you take, you should try to shadow or intern with that industry to confirm your true interest.