Hello there!
Welcome to the alternate resource for SIE practice exams and practice quizzes.
These practice exams are designed to prepare you mentally for the actual SIE Exam with the same number of (75 questions) and the same time allowed (105 minutes) as the actual exam.
In this article, we want to dive deep into how to use the SIE practice exam, the SIE practice exam domains, the SIE exam, and why you should take it.
We’ve also embedded SIE practice questions you can use right away.
Here is an overview of exactly what we’ll cover:
- FINRA SIE practice exam questions
- How the SIE practice exam and practice quizzes work
- SIE practice exam domains
- SIE exam
- Why take the SIE exam?
Let’s get started.
Other free SIE study materials:
- SIE exam prep
- SIE study plan
- SIE study guide
- SIE practice exams
- SIE flashcards
- SIE cheat sheet
- SIE Exam FAQ
- Best SIE study materials
FINRA SIE practice exams
We have five full-length SIE practice exams you can use to test your exam readiness.
We’ve also put together practice questions for each SIE exam domain.
The practice exams will help you identify the SIE exam domains that you are weak in.
From there, you can focus on the questions in that individual domain to better grasp its content.
SIE practice quizzes by domains
The SIE exam is broken down into four domains.
Each domain has a set number of questions.
The domains cover different topics that you must be well conversant with.
The SIE practice tests are also broken down into these domains to prepare you effectively for the exam.
Just as the domains are weighted differently in the SIE exam, so are the practice exams.
So, ensure the SIE exam prep courses you purchase have practice questions that reflect the exam structure.
Here are the domains:
- Understanding Products and their risks (44%, which translates to 33 questions)
- Knowledge of Capital Market (16%, making 12 questions)
- Understanding Trading, Customer Accounts, and Prohibited Activities (31%, which is 23 questions)
- Overview of Regulatory Framework (9%, that’s 7 questions)
We’ve designed four (4) sets of practice quizzes for each Domain. Each set has 25 questions to help you prepare effectively for the SIE exam.
Here you can start your SIE Domain Quizzes right away.