As you advance in your career, you’ll likely begin handling accounts in the millions of dollars.

While quite an accomplishment, you may be unsure of how to relay this information appropriately on your resume.

Below, we are going to discuss how to abbreviate million on your resume and cover letter to ensure that no information is lost.

While a seemingly simple issue, understanding when and when not to abbreviate the word million can help you to relay the correct information to an employer.

As there are many different ways to abbreviate the word million, ideally, you will want to stick with writing the full word out to avoid any confusion.

How to abbreviate a million
How to abbreviate a million

Don’t Abbreviate the Word Million

Ultimately, as there are many different ways to abbreviate the word million, you should stick to writing out the full word. 

Not only will this help you to avoid any confusion and uncertainty, but it will appear more compelling and stand out on your resume.

If you are worried about exceeding the one-page rule on your resume, it is better to reduce the words used in other sections and areas of your resume. 

The reason? 

The word million, while it can be abbreviated, can cause confusion if not understood correctly. 

Rather than take a chance at confusing a recruiter or hiring manager, it is far better to simply write out the full word.

Different Abbreviations for Million

If you must abbreviate the word million, there are a plethora of options to choose from. 

Again, ideally, you should avoid abbreviating the word million. 

It is far less confusing and more understandable to simply write out the full word. 

However, if you do need to abbreviate the word million, you can use any of the options below:

  • Mil.
  • Mill.
  • Mln.
  • M
  • MM
How to abbreviate a million number
How to abbreviate a million number

Why to Avoid Abbreviating Million

Let’s face it, recruiters and hiring managers love seeing numbers on a resume.

Numbers, particularly large ones, indicate a level of proficiency and understanding.

In addition, adding numbers to your resume indicates that you were tasked with high levels of responsibility and are able to handle large campaigns and accounts.

Ideally, you will want to write out the word million on your resume.

You should look to avoid utilizing any abbreviations for the word million as it can be confusing.

Take a look at the above different variations of the abbreviation million, a recruiter or hiring manager may not be well versed in these abbreviations, potentially causing confusion and uncertainty.

As a potential applicant, it is ideal to be as straightforward and clear as possible on your resume.

The onus is on you to ensure that your resume is as clear-cut and exact as possible.

With that understanding, it is best to simply avoid using abbreviations for the word million.

Abbreviation for Thousand

Similar to the above, when it comes to abbreviating the word thousands, it is better to simply write the entire word out.

While you can utilize the letter K to indicate thousand, this may also be confusing to a reader who is unaware of the usage.

In addition, the word thousand can be abbreviated with either a K or an M.

However, the M can be easily confused for a million.

Ultimately, you would be doing yourself a disservice by confusing million for thousand, making your accomplishments and achievements less significant.

Abbreviation for Billion

Similar to the above, when it comes to abbreviating the word billion, it is better to simply write the entire word out.

While you can utilize the letter B to indicate billion, this may also be confusing to a reader who is unaware of the usage.

The word billion is also a significant number and one that indicates a high level of responsibility.

As such, it is better to write out the word to allow the full force of your responsibilities to shine through.

Rather than looking to save space with an abbreviation for the word billion, million, or thousand, you should save space and overall word usage in other areas on your resume.

How to Abbreviate Million: Conclusion

When it comes to understanding how to abbreviate million, it is far better to simply write the entire word out.

While you may be tempted to save space on your resume, you don’t want to confuse the recruiter or hiring manager who is reading your resume.

Similarly, when it comes to writing out the words billion or thousand, it is far better to write both words out.

The letter M can be used to indicate either thousand or million and by not writing it out fully, you can confuse the reader and do yourself a disservice.

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