One-on-one meetings with your manager typically occur on a weekly basis.
Ensuring that you have a great 1×1 with your manager weekly takes time and effort from both sides.
Ah, the (oftentimes dreaded) reoccurring meeting with your manager.
Every employee knows that these meetings are the best way to showcase what you’ve been working on and keep your manager abreast to what you’ve accomplished the previous week.
Those one-on-one meetings are absolutely critical to your success in your career.
They are your weekly time to shine and to get noticed by your manager.
Below are six ways to make sure that you have an efficient one-on-one with your manager, every time you meet.
Come Prepared With An Agenda
Your manager may have a list of things that they would like to discuss with you, but these one-on-ones are really meant for you to keep them abreast as to what you’ve been dealing with.
You should have a list of big-ticket items that you have either accomplished or are in the middle of completing.
In-fact, bringing in some items that you may be stuck on during these one-on-ones will allow your manager to provide some advice and guidance on how to accomplish.
Be Thorough
During your time, you will want to let your manager know both what you have accomplished and what you are working on.
You will want to be thorough, going through each point and accomplishment so that they are aware of the tasks and workload you’ve been carrying.
However, as you only have a fixed amount of time, you will want to prioritize what to discuss.
Anything that is time-sensitive should be discussed first.
From there, you will want to discuss any big wins or accomplishments.
The final discussions should center around upcoming tasks or projects which have not yet begun.
Offer Feedback
While you may think that a one-on-one is meant more for your manager to provide feedback, you should take the opportunity to provide some as-well.
Now, you’re going to want to do so in a professional manner.
But, if your manager is discussing an idea or a new strategy, feel free to voice your opinion on why you think it may or may not work.
You can even take the opportunity to volunteer to assist with a project or task your manager is discussing and offer some insight into why you think you would be a great asset on that assignment.
Discuss The Long-Term
While many people don’t like discussing the long-term, you should always be prepared to discuss it from a professional perspective with your manager.
Your manager should be aware of your long-term goals and vision and where you wish to be.
By speaking about it, it will be reinforced in your managers head and they will try to help you get there.
Ask Questions And For Feedback
When meeting with your manager, asking in-depth questions shows that you care about the company and the long-term trends of the industry.
You should be asking poignant questions concerning what they are discussing and seeing if there are any areas that you can assist in.
Similarly, you will want to ask for feedback on what you’ve been working on and your accomplishments.
Let your manager know that you are looking to put out only the best work and that you appreciate their advice.
By allowing your manager to feel comfortable giving you advice and feedback, you can tailor how you approach certain tasks to ensure that you accomplish them thoroughly.
Take Notes And Send A Recap Email
Taking notes and sending a recap email lets your manager know that you’re serious and take your meetings with them to heart.
A great 1×1 with your manager is sure to have follow-up and items that need additional time to be sorted out.
By taking detailed notes, you help yourself to remember and understand what advice your manager may have given.
Additionally, sending through a follow-up email forces both you and your manager to be honest and follow through with your promises.
Quick Recap
To have a great 1×1 with your manager you need to put in effort and so does your manager.
Only then will you see the improvements happen.
- Come prepared with an agenda
- Be thorough in your discussions
- Offer feedback on what your manager discusses
- Discuss the long-term and where you would like to be
- Ask questions and for feedback from your manager
- Take thorough notes and send a recap email after the meeting