At the beginning of this page, a button grants complete access to the Pharmacy Tech Practice Test (PTCB) practice test. Just beneath that, you will find an option to participate in an extensive practice test. Utilizing these tests is an excellent way to showcase your abilities, identify areas needing improvement, and fine-tune your study approach.

To further bolster your preparation, especially in subjects needing more focus, we have designed specialized quizzes. These quizzes are meticulously tailored to cover specific facets of the PTCB exam, providing a focused and effective study session.

Pharmacy Tech Practice Test (PTCB) Domain Exams

The Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE) is designed by the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) to evaluate the knowledge and skills of pharmacy technicians, ensuring they meet specific qualifications to effectively assist pharmacists and contribute to the pharmacy team. The PTCE is structured around four primary domains, each covering different areas of pharmacy practice. 

Below, I’ll break down these domains:

Domain 1: Medications

  • Percentage of Exam: 40%
  • Focus Areas: This domain tests the pharmacy technician’s knowledge of medication classification, generic and brand names, therapeutic equivalence, drug stability, interpretation of drug orders, and formulary management. A thorough understanding of dosage forms, routes of administration, and side effects is also crucial.

Welcome to your PTCB Domain 1: Medications

Domain 2: Federal Requirements

  • Percentage of Exam: 12.5%
  • Focus Areas: It includes regulatory issues, such as DEA scheduling, prescription requirements, controlled substances handling, patient privacy regulations under HIPAA, and record-keeping requirements. This domain ensures technicians are knowledgeable about the legal aspects of pharmacy work to maintain compliance with federal laws and regulations.

Welcome to your PTCB Domain 2: Federal Requirements

Domain 3: Patient Safety and Quality Assurance

  • Percentage of Exam: 26.25%
  • Focus Areas: Focuses on medication safety practices, error prevention strategies, factors affecting the quality of pharmacy services, and quality improvement processes. Pharmacy technicians are expected to be familiar with recall processes, adverse event reporting, and how to ensure the accuracy of medication dispensing.

Welcome to your PTCB Domain 3: Patient Safety and Quality Assurance

Domain 4: Order Entry and Processing

  • Percentage of Exam: 21.25%
  • Focus Areas: This domain assesses the technician’s ability to manage medication orders, including the interpretation, entry, and verification of prescription information. Knowledge of compounding procedures, billing, and reimbursement processes, as well as the ability to address insurance issues, is tested.

Welcome to your PTCB Domain 4: Order Entry and Processing

Exam Domain% of ExamFocus Areas
Medications40%Medication classification, generic and brand names, therapeutic equivalence.
Federal Requirements12.5%DEA scheduling, prescription requirements, controlled substances, HIPAA.
Patient Safety and Quality Assurance26.25%Medication safety practices, error prevention, quality improvement processes.
Order Entry and Processing21.25%Management of medication orders, compounding, billing, insurance issues.

Other Important Details:

  • Total Number of Questions: The PTCE contains a total of 100 questions, but only 90 are scored. The remaining 10 are pretest questions that do not count toward your score.
  • Exam Time: Candidates have 2 hours to complete the exam.
  • Scoring: The exam is scored on a scale of 1000 to 1600, with a passing score being determined by the PTCB each year based on the exam difficulty.
  • Preparation Resources: The PTCB offers a variety of study materials and resources on their official website, including the Content Outline, practice exams, and reference lists to guide your preparation.

Pharmacy Tech Practice Test (PTCB) Exam Breakdown

The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Exam, officially known as the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE), is a crucial step for individuals pursuing a career as a pharmacy technician. This exam assesses a candidate’s knowledge and skills necessary to work effectively in a pharmacy setting, ensuring they can support pharmacists in providing safe and effective patient care. The PTCE is recognized across the United States and is often a requirement for employment in many pharmacy settings.

Breakdown of the PTCB Exam

Exam Format and Content:

  • The PTCE is a computer-based test (CBT) consisting of 90 multiple-choice questions. Of these, 80 questions are scored, and 10 are unscored pretest questions used for exam development purposes.
  • Candidates have 2 hours to complete the exam.
  • The exam covers nine core areas: medications, federal requirements, patient safety and quality assurance, order entry and processing, pharmacy law and regulations, sterile and non-sterile compounding, medication safety, pharmacy quality assurance, pharmacology for technicians, and pharmacy inventory management.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • A high school diploma or equivalent.
  • Full disclosure of all criminal and State Board of Pharmacy registration or licensure actions.
  • Compliance with all applicable PTCB certification policies.
  • Completion of a PTCB-recognized education/training program or equivalent work experience.

Registration and Fees:

  • Candidates must register and pay the exam fee on the PTCB website. The fee for the exam is subject to change, so it’s best to check the official PTCB website for the most current information.

Preparation and Study Resources:

  • PTCB Official Website: The PTCB’s official website offers a range of resources, including the candidate handbook, detailed information about the exam content, and a list of recognized education/training programs.
  • Practice Tests and Study Guides: Numerous third-party websites and publishers offer practice tests, study guides, and review courses designed to help candidates prepare for the PTCE. These resources may vary in format, including books, online courses, and mobile apps.
  • Pharmacy Tech Study Websites: Websites such as and others provide free and paid study materials specifically tailored to the PTCE, including practice questions, flashcards, and study tips.

Continuing Education and Recertification:

  • Certified Pharmacy Technicians (CPhTs) are required to recertify every two years. This involves completing continuing education (CE) credits to ensure they remain knowledgeable and up-to-date with the latest in pharmacy practice.

It’s important for candidates to thoroughly prepare for the PTCE to ensure success. Utilizing the official resources provided by the PTCB, along with supplemental study materials, can provide a comprehensive preparation strategy. Always check the PTCB’s official website for the most current and accurate information regarding the exam and certification process.

How to Become PTCB Certified

To become certified as a Pharmacy Technician through the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB), you need to follow a series of steps aimed at demonstrating your competency and knowledge in the field. The certification process involves completing educational or work experience requirements, applying for the certification, and passing the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE). 

Here’s a breakdown of the steps:

  • Choose a Pathway: You have two primary pathways to qualify for the PTCB certification:
    • Pathway 1: Complete a PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Program (REP). These programs provide foundational knowledge beneficial for the PTCE but may not cover all exam content.
    • Pathway 2: Accumulate equivalent work experience as a pharmacy technician, requiring a minimum of 500 hours. This pathway caters to those with practical experience in pharmacy settings.
  • Create a PTCB Account: Register and create an account on the PTCB website to manage your certification process.
  • Apply for Certification: Through your PTCB account, apply for certification and pay the application fee. The fee for taking the PTCE is USD 129.
  • Approval and Scheduling: Once your application is approved, you’ll receive an authorization to schedule your exam. You can choose to take your exam at a Pearson VUE test center or online with virtual supervision.
  • Take and Pass the PTCE: The PTCE is a computer-based exam comprising 90 multiple-choice questions, including 80 scored and 10 unscored pretest questions. The exam duration is 2 hours, covering various aspects of pharmacy practice. You’ll receive unofficial results immediately after the exam, with official results posted to your PTCB Account within two to three weeks.

For preparation, PTCB offers official practice tools like the PTCE Practice Bank and the Pre-PTCE. Reviewing the PTCE content outline and referencing external resources recommended by PTCB can also help ensure comprehensive exam preparation.

Upon passing the PTCE, you’ll receive your certification, which opens doors to improved employment opportunities, the potential for higher salary, and career growth among other benefits. Continuous professional development and adherence to PTCB policies are required to maintain your certification.

Our Experience Teaching PTCB Candidates To Pass The Exam

At Career Employer, developing our Pharmacy Tech Practice Test (PTCB) practice tests has been a remarkable journey, marked by both successes and challenges. This effort was motivated by the exam’s broad scope and the need to cater specifically to our learners’ requirements.

Every aspect of our methodology has been carefully crafted to ensure that every student is well-prepared to excel in the exam. Our commitment to providing a comprehensive educational experience shines through in the breadth and depth of our practice materials, highlighting our dedication to our students’ success.

Teaching a Pharmacy Technician Practice Test (PTCB) certification course from a lecturer’s perspective involves a multi-faceted approach that combines theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and exam preparation strategies. Here’s an overview of this perspective along with resource links for comprehensive preparation:

Understanding the PTCB Exam

Firstly, understanding the structure and content of the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Exam is crucial. The exam assesses the knowledge and skills pharmacy technicians need to support pharmacists and patient care teams effectively. It covers areas such as medication safety, pharmacology, pharmacy law and regulations, and quality assurance.

Curriculum Development

Developing a curriculum that covers all necessary content areas while integrating practice tests and review sessions is key. The curriculum should balance the technical aspects of pharmacy practice with the soft skills necessary for patient care and teamwork.

Teaching Strategies

  • Interactive Learning: Incorporating interactive elements such as case studies, group discussions, and simulation exercises can enhance understanding and retention.
  • Blended Learning: Combining traditional classroom instruction with online resources and virtual practice tests allows students to learn at their own pace and on their own time.
  • Continuous Assessment: Regular quizzes and mock exams help track progress and identify areas where students need additional support.

Practice Tests and Review Sessions

Regular practice tests are essential for familiarizing students with the exam format and question styles. Review sessions can then focus on areas where students struggle, ensuring they have the knowledge and confidence needed for the exam.

Additional Resources

Providing students with a list of additional resources, including textbooks, online courses, and study guides, supports their independent study and enhances their understanding of complex topics.

  • Books: “PTCB Exam Study Guide 2020-2021” by Ascencia Pharmacy Technician Exam Prep Team.
  • Online Courses: offers comprehensive courses and practice exams.
  • Apps: PTCB Exam Prep by Pocket Prep offers practice questions and simulations on the go.

At Career Employer, our team comprises seasoned experts, each bringing a wealth of knowledge and extensive experience in the preparation for the Pharmacy Tech Practice Test (PTCB) exam. They have meticulously crafted our PTCB certification practice tests, drawing on their profound expertise to guide over 1000 pharmacy technicians towards achieving their PTCB certifications successfully.

Our team members, each with more than ten years of specialized experience in pharmacy technology, ensure that our practice materials are not just expert-informed but exceptionally effective in equipping candidates for success on their certification journey. This dedication to excellence guarantees that individuals utilizing our resources are thoroughly prepared to meet and surpass their certification objectives.

Effective Study Strategies and Methods

Preparing for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) exam requires a strategic approach to study effectively and efficiently. Here are some effective strategies and methods, along with helpful web pages and forums for your preparation:

  • Understand the Exam Structure and Content: Familiarize yourself with the PTCB exam’s structure, including the four knowledge domains: Medications, Federal Requirements, Patient Safety and Quality Assurance, and Order Entry and Processing. Each domain contributes differently to the exam score, with Medications covering the largest portion at 40%. Knowing this can help you allocate your study time effectively​​.
  • Study the Top 200 Drugs: A significant part of the exam involves knowing common medications, including their uses, side effects, and generic names. Focus on understanding the Top 200 drugs as many questions revolve around these medications​​.
  • Strengthen Your Math Skills: Pharmacy calculations are a crucial part of the exam and your role as a pharmacy technician. Ensure you’re comfortable with dosing, conversions, alligations, dilutions, and other pharmacy math topics. Practice these calculations regularly​​.
  • Use Official PTCB Practice Tools: The PTCB offers practice tools like the PTCE Practice Bank and the Pre-PTCE. These resources provide a realistic practice experience with questions from past exams. The Practice Bank allows for customized tests focusing on specific domains or difficulty levels, while the Pre-PTCE gives a comprehensive preview of the exam format and types of questions you will encounter​​.
  • Create a Study Plan: Allocate at least 6-8 weeks for your preparation, depending on your prior knowledge and experience. Break down your study schedule week by week, dedicating time to each knowledge domain and including review periods for practice tests and revisiting challenging areas​​.
  • Employ Various Study Methods: Besides reading textbooks and study guides, use flashcards for memorization, join online forums for discussion, and practice with multiple-choice questions to familiarize yourself with the exam format. Diversifying your study methods can enhance retention and understanding​​​​.
  • Seek Support from Online Communities: Engage with online forums and communities focused on pharmacy technician certification. Platforms like Reddit and specific forums on sites like offer peer support, study tips, and resources shared by those who have already taken the exam.
  • Stay Informed on Federal Regulations: A portion of the exam covers federal requirements for pharmacies. Make sure you’re up-to-date on handling and disposal of substances, controlled substances regulations, recall procedures, and restricted drug programs​​.

To access the most helpful and up-to-date study materials and forums, consider visiting these recommended web pages:

  • offers a comprehensive guide on what to expect from the PTCB exam, including the cost, passing score, and study tips​​.
  • provides detailed insights into the exam’s content outline and key areas like pharmacy math and the Top 200 drugs​​.
  • outlines a step-by-step preparation guide, including a suggested study schedule and tips for success​​.
  • gives a broad overview of topics covered in the exam, emphasizing the importance of understanding medications and order entry and processing​​.
  • The official PTCB website ( offers official practice tools that can be very beneficial for exam preparation​​.

Utilizing these strategies and resources can significantly increase your chances of passing the PTCB exam and advancing your career as a certified pharmacy technician.


Fee TypeCostDescription
PTCE Application and Exam FeeUSD 129 per attemptRequired for each exam attempt.
Pre-PTCE Practice Exam FeeUSD 29 per attemptValid for one attempt within a 90-day window.
Special Offer for Pre-PTCE VouchersUSD 19 per voucherFor organizations in direct billing, saving USD 10 off regular price.
Practice Exams (PTCB)USD 29 each4 practice exams offered by PTCB.
Additional CostsVariesMay include study materials, training programs, etc.

The cost associated with obtaining certification as a Pharmacy Technician through the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE) administered by the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) includes several components. The primary exam fee for both the Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT) application and the PTCE is USD 129. This fee applies to each attempt at the exam​​.

  • PTCE Application and Exam Fee: USD 129 for each attempt​​.
  • Pre-PTCE (Practice Exam) Fee: USD 29 for one attempt within a 90-day window​​.
  • Special Offer for Pre-PTCE Vouchers: For organizations involved in direct billing with PTCB, the Pre-PTCE vouchers are available for USD 19, saving USD 10 off the regular price​​.
  • Practice Exams: PTCB offers 4 practice exams at USD 29 each​​.
  • Additional Costs: May include study materials, training programs, and other preparation resources. These costs vary based on the providers and materials chosen.
  • Continuing Education and Certification Renewal: Required for maintaining certification, with fees that vary depending on the resources and courses selected.

After passing the exam, pharmacy technicians must maintain their certification through continuing education and renewal fees. While specific costs for study materials and training programs can vary widely depending on the providers and the type of materials or courses selected, it’s essential to consider these as part of the overall budget for obtaining and maintaining pharmacy technician certification.

Reliable Study Materials and Resources

To effectively prepare for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE), a variety of online resources can be invaluable in your study plan. These resources range from practice tests and quizzes to in-depth study guides and flashcards. Here’s a curated list of some of the best online resources to help you get ready for the PTCB certification exam:

  • PTCB Test Prep offers a wide array of practice quizzes covering key topics such as pharmacology, pharmacy calculations, prescription processing, and federal legislation. This platform provides an opportunity to practice with questions that mimic the format and content of the actual PTCB exam​​.
  • The Official PTCB Practice Tools website features the PTCE Practice Bank and the Pre-PTCE. These tools are designed to offer candidates a comprehensive preparation experience, allowing for personalized practice sessions tailored to various topics and levels of difficulty. They also offer the Pre-PTCE as a final readiness assessment before taking the actual exam​​.
  • Union Test Prep offers free test prep resources including detailed study guides and practice tests for the PTCB Exam. Their materials cover essential topics such as hazardous drug management, controlled substance diversion prevention, and billing and reimbursement. Additionally, Union Test Prep provides insights into eligibility requirements, exam scoring, and the types of jobs available after certification​​.
  • Mometrix Test Preparation provides a comprehensive PTCB online prep course that includes lessons, practice questions, video tutorials, and electronic flashcards. This course is designed to cover every topic you might encounter on the exam and includes a money-back guarantee. Mometrix also offers a registration guide, detailing the application process and what to expect on test day​​.
  • offers several free PTCB practice tests, each focusing on different aspects of the pharmacy technician role, from order entry and processing to patient safety and quality assurance. This platform allows you to familiarize yourself with the exam format and identify areas where further study may be needed​​.
  • Ascencia Test Prep provides study guides and practice test questions for the PTCB Exam. Their materials are aimed at covering the critical topics and concepts that you’ll need to master to pass the exam​​.
  • presents an insider’s guide to acing the PTCB Exam, offering insights into the exam structure, the four knowledge domains, and test-prep tips. This guide emphasizes the importance of understanding the content areas of the exam and suggests effective study strategies​​.
  • Union Test Prep’s Flashcards for the PTCB Exam can be a great way to review and reinforce your knowledge of key concepts and terms. These flashcards cover various sections of the exam, including medications, federal requirements, and patient safety​​.

By utilizing these resources, you can build a comprehensive study plan that addresses all the key content areas of the PTCB exam. Remember to balance your study time between learning new content, reviewing familiar topics, and taking practice tests to assess your readiness.

Tips for Exam Day

To ace the Pharmacy Tech Practice Test (PTCB), it’s crucial to focus on strategic preparation and familiarize yourself with the exam format. Here are the best tips gathered from various resources to help you on exam day:

  • Understand the Exam Structure: The PTCB exam covers four main knowledge domains: Medications, Federal Requirements, Patient Safety and Quality Assurance, and Order Entry and Processing. These areas comprise different percentages of the exam, with Medications being the largest at 40%. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with these domains to allocate your study time effectively​​​​.
  • Utilize Official Practice Tools: The PTCB offers two main practice tools: the PTCE Practice Bank and the Pre-PTCE. These tools provide a comprehensive way to prepare for the exam, with the Practice Bank offering retired PTCE questions and the Pre-PTCE simulating the actual exam experience. These resources are invaluable for becoming comfortable with the exam’s format and question types​​.
  • Study and Practice: Focus on the top 100 drugs, as these are most likely to be encountered in day-to-day pharmacy work. Ensure your math skills are solid, as many questions involve calculations. Use flashcards to memorize terms and definitions, and schedule regular study times to ensure consistent preparation. Reading through pharmacy manuals and taking regular breaks can also enhance your learning​​.
  • Take Practice Tests: Assessing your strengths and weaknesses through practice tests is critical. This approach helps identify areas needing further study and gets you accustomed to the exam’s pacing and question styles. There are many resources available, including practice tests from the PTCB and other educational websites​​.
  • On Exam Day: The PTCB exam costs USD 129 and is available at over 1,400 testing facilities. Ensure you meet all the registration requirements, including residency and citizenship in the United States, completion of a qualified training program or proof of experience, passing background checks, and compliance with PTCB policies​​.

By focusing on these areas and utilizing the resources mentioned, you can greatly improve your chances of passing the PTCB exam. Remember, preparation is key, so take advantage of practice tests, official tools, and study guides to ensure you’re as ready as possible for exam day.

Post-Exam: Next Steps

After completing the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCB), there are several important next steps and strategies you can take to move forward in your career as a pharmacy technician and ensure that you remain certified.

Post-Exam Steps:

  • Obtain Your Official Results: Your exam score will be available on the PTCB website within two to three weeks after your test date. It’s crucial to check your results as soon as they are available to understand your performance and next steps​​.
  • Maintain Your Certification: To keep your PTCB certification active, you need to complete 20 hours of continuing education every two years. This is vital for staying up to date with pharmacy practices and regulations. Additionally, the PTCB requires recertification every four years, which may involve retaking the exam​​.

Strategies for Success and Further Development:

  • Stay Informed About the Industry: Keep abreast of changes in pharmacy practice, new medications, and federal requirements to remain competent and knowledgeable in your field.
  • Join Online Forums and Professional Groups: Engaging with peers through online forums and professional pharmacy technician groups can provide support, advice, and insights into the profession. These communities can be a great resource for continuous learning and career advancement.
  • Consider Further Certifications: Depending on your interests and career goals, obtaining additional certifications can enhance your qualifications and open up new job opportunities. The PTCB offers several specialized certifications, such as in Compounded Sterile Preparation Technician (CSPT) or Medication History Certificate.
  • Seek Opportunities for Career Advancement: With experience and additional certifications, you might explore roles with more responsibility, such as pharmacy technician supervisor or positions in specialized areas of pharmacy practice.
  • Engage in Professional Development: Attend workshops, seminars, and other educational opportunities to continuously improve your skills and knowledge. This can also help you meet your continuing education requirements.

Remember, passing the PTCB exam is a significant accomplishment, but it’s just the beginning of your career as a pharmacy technician. By staying informed, pursuing continuing education, and engaging with the pharmacy community, you can ensure a rewarding and successful career in this vital healthcare field.


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  2. “Pharmacy Tech Study.” PharmacyTechStudy, n.d.,
  3. “Certified Pharmacy Technician.” Pharmacy Technician Certification Board, n.d.,
  4. “How do I become certified as a CPhT?” PTCB, n.d.,
  5. “American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP).” ASHP, n.d.,
  6. “Health and Medicine.” Khan Academy, n.d.,
  7. “PTCB Practice Exam Flash Cards.” Quizlet, n.d.,
  8. “Pharmacy Tech Lessons.” PharmacyTechLessons, n.d.,
  9. “PTCB Exam Guide.” EduMed, n.d.,
  10. “PTCB Study Guide.” PTCB Test Prep, n.d.,
  11. “Official PTCB Practice Tools.” Pharmacy Technician Certification Board, n.d.,
  12. “Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT).” Achievable Blog, n.d.,
  13. “PTCB Study Guide.” PTCE Prep, n.d.,
  14. “What is the cost of the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE)?” PTCB, n.d.,
  15. “How much does the Pre-PTCE cost?” PTCB, n.d.,
  16. “Pay Your Technicians Fees.” Pharmacy Technician Certification Board, n.d.,
  17. “Pharmacy Tech Exam.” PharmacyTechSchools, n.d.,
  18. “PTCB Practice Test.” PTCB Test Prep, n.d.,
  19. “PTCB Exam.” Union Test Prep, n.d.,
  20. “PTCB Practice Test.” Mometrix Test Preparation, n.d.,
  21. “Test-Guide.” Test-Guide, n.d.,
  22. “PTCB.” Ascencia Test Prep, n.d.,
  23. “EduMed.” EduMed, n.d.,
  24. “PTCB Exam Flashcards.” Union Test Prep, n.d.,
  25. “How to Study for PTCB Exam.” Medical Hero, n.d.,
  26. “How to pass the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCB & ExCPT) 2020.” YouTube, uploaded by Pharmacy Tech Lessons, n.d.,
  27. “Studying for the PTCB.” Reddit, n.d.,
  28. “How to Pass the PTCB Exam.” Union Test Prep, n.d.,
  29. “PTCB Test Strategies for Success.” Allied Rx Training Institute, n.d.,
  30. “Any advice for PTCB/PTCE 2023?” Reddit, n.d.,
  31. “Pass the PTCB Exam in 2022! 5 Study Strategies.” YouTube, uploaded by Pharmacy Tech Lessons, n.d.,
  32. “How to Study for Pharmacy Technician Exam.” SingleCare Blog, n.d.,
  33. Ascencia Test Prep. PTCB Exam Study Guide 2020-2021. Ascencia Test Prep, 2020. Amazon,

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