Welcome to the ultimate guide on Nurse Educator Salary!

We will break down the average salary of a Nurse Educator by state and workplace before comparing it to other Nursing professions in the industry.

Reading this article will give you the complete picture of how much a Nurse Educator earns, should you choose to pursue a career along those lines.

We will cover the following:

  • How much does a Nurse Educator make?
  • Salary by Years of Experience
  • Salary by State
  • Salary by Workplace

Let’s dive in!

Quick Overview 

Quick Overview on Nurse Educator Salary

A Nurse Educator is an Advanced Practice Nurse who combines a career in clinical expertise with a passion for teaching.

Nurse Educators motivate, educate, and guide the next generation of nurses, paving the path for better patient care in the future.

Graduating Nurses would be unprepared to meet the ever-changing needs of today’s dynamic healthcare system without them.

The most effective Certified Nurse Educators devote personal time to their students and teams.

Nurse Educators train new Nurses for the real world, and their work doesn’t end with graduation; many Nurse Educatorsmentor and advise Nurses throughout their careers.

Rather than focusing solely on patient care, a Nurse Educator is passionate about teaching and advocating for Nurses.

They provide direction and instruction to aspiring Nurses, which may involve training in both practical and instructional settings.

They may teach general courses or focus on areas of specialization, such as geriatric Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, or Nursing informatics in Nursing school.

Nurse Educators have a master’s or doctoral degree in Nursing.

Universities frequently employ them, but they can also be found in hospitals or clinical settings, where they keep Nurses informed about current health and patient care needs.

Clinical Nurse Educators, Staff Development Officers, Continuing Education Specialists, and Instructional Nursing Faculty are some of the professional titles held by Nurse Educators.

Quick Overview on Nurse Educator Salary

Nurse Educators are frequently involved in the following activities in addition to teaching in academic or clinical settings:

  • Developing new programs or courses/creating a new curriculum
  • Academic or continuing education programs are being evaluated and revised
  • Other scholarly work and research
  • Professional associations participation
  • Engagements as a speaker at Nursing conferences
  • Creating grant applications
  • Student counseling
  • Textbooks and other educational materials are written or reviewed

How much does a Nurse Educator make?

Some Nursing jobs and career paths pay better financially than others.

The average Nurse Educator’s salary is determined by the subject taught, your teaching schedule, and other duties.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, a Nurse Educator’s average annual base salary is $75,000, similar to the median annual Registered Nurse (RN) Salary of $75,000 (BLS).

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Certified Nurse Educators (CNEs) make a median annual salary of $77,000 for clinical practice training, classroom instruction at community colleges and universities, or executive control of academic Nursing programs and faculty.

Salary is dependent on several criteria; including years of experience, certifications and licenses, schooling, and the workplace.

Salary by Years of Experience

Salary by Years of Experience

Salary increases are usually linked to your level of experience.

The longer you work as a Nurse Educator, the higher your salary.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the National Compensation Survey, the experience can affect your Nurse Educator’s compensation.

An entry-level Nurse Educator with a few months of experience on the job can expect to make an average total salary of $71,000.

Salary by Years of Experience

An early career Nurse Educator with 1- 4 years of experience receives an average total compensation of $72,000.

The average total income for a mid-career Nurse Educator with 5-9 years of experience is $77,257.

The average total income for a Nurse Educator with 10-19 years of experience is $80,624.

Employees with a career (20 years or more) get an average total salary of $86,587.

Salary by State and Cities

Nurse Educator Salary by State and Cities

One of the most significant factors to consider when changing occupations is the chance of making more money and being a better provider for yourself and your family.

Increasing financial opportunities typically accompany higher education levels, so earning your MSN degree will put you on the road to making more money than you would as a BSN Nurse.

Nurse Educators are fairly well rewarded because they have advanced degrees.

Of course, compensation will vary depending on the chosen specialty, region, company, prior experience, cost of living, and other considerations.

The quantity of clinical experience a Registered Nurse has before moving to an educational job is another element that may influence income.

Nurse Educators are normally expected to have at least three years of clinical experience before teaching.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Registered Nurses of all specialties had a median annual pay of $75,510.

The average yearly compensation for Nurse Educators in the District of Columbia is $153,830, more significant than any place else in the United States.

The Golden State, California, comes in second with a yearly median wage of roughly $101,760, followed by Connecticut, which comes in third with an annual median salary of around $101,320.

Arkansas is the least ideal state for earning potential as a Nurse Educator, with an average salary of $54,920; slightly higher wages are available in Wisconsin and West Virginia, but you will still earn much less than the national average of $58,530.

Salary by WorkPlace

Salary by WorkPlace

Nurse Educators make more than the average salary, with an average yearly salary of $119,050 for those working in big urban medical centers and hospitals.

The Miami-Ft. Lauderdale metro area pays Nurse Educators the most, with average wages more than $20,000 greater than the next highest-paying area, Boston-Cambridge-Nashua.

Nurse Educator Salary by WorkPlace

Nurse Educators are paid the least at colleges and universities, including junior and community colleges.

Nurses teaching at junior colleges earn an average of $75,190 per year, while Nurses teaching at colleges and universities earn $84,320 per year.

These are full-time income figures; many Nurse Educators work part-time as instructors or adjunct professors and are paid by the course or credit.

The highest-earning Nurse Educator jobs

The highest-earning Nurse Educator jobs

The salary range for Clinical Informatics Educator is $103,500-$172,500 per year.

Clinical Informatics Educator salaries presently vary from $103,500 (25th percentile) to $172,500 (75th percentile) per year in the United States.

Based on skill level, region, and years of experience, this wide range of compensation possibilities shows that there may be numerous opportunities for development and better pay.

According to current job posts on ZipRecruiter, a few companies employ Clinical Informatics Educators in the United States.

According to the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, the average income of master’s prepared professors was $72,028 in 2011.

The results of an NLN-Carnegie compensation study were published in the May/June 2007 issue of NLN’s Nursing Education Perspectives.

According to the study, Nurse Educators’ wages differed significantly based on their rank, program type, and institutional context.

Nurse Educators who taught in pre-licensure programs earned 5% less than full-time Nurse Educators on average, while Nurse Educators who taught in graduate and pre-licensure settings earned $10,000 more per year than their pre-licensure counterparts.

Nurse Educators who taught only graduate programs earned up to 27 percent more than those who taught associate and bachelor programs.

You have the best chance of becoming a Nurse Educator if you work in a hospital or an academic institution.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, general medical and surgical hospitals employ the most Nurse Educators, followed by colleges, universities, and professional institutions.

The following are the highest paying industries for this profession:

  • Nurse Educators make an average of $123,760 in general medical and surgical facilities
  • Psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals – with salaries of about $94,380
  • State government (excluding schools and hospitals) – $80,790
  • Colleges, universities, and professional schools â€“ where the average salary of a Nurse Educator Professional is $80,380

Nurse Educator Salary compared to other Nursing professions

Nurse Educator salary compared to other Nursing professions

While the average Nurse Educators’ income is higher than most RNs, it is lower than that of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), such as Nurse Practitioners and Nurse-Midwives.

A Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), or another additional degree or certification are standard among Nurse Educators.

Instructors and adjunct faculty work part-time and are paid per course or credit.

Job Outlook

Nurse Educator Job Outlook

A Nurse Educator Career provides excellent pay and opportunities for advancement.

Between 2018 and 2028, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that RNs will enjoy a 12 percent increase in employment, while postsecondary teachers, such as Nursing Instructors, would see an 11 percent increase in the job market.

A career in Nursing education is a particularly appealing option because of the fantastic work options and high earning potential.

According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Nurse Educators are in such high demand that prospective Nursing students are being turned away due to a lack of teachers.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, demand for all postsecondary educators is expected to increase by 9% between 2019 and 2029, which is greater than average.

Taking the risk of applying your knowledge and expertise to the education of future Nurses is a big step.

However, if you decide to go ahead and do it, you may rest confident that the job outlook is strong and that there is plenty of room for pay growth (at least in comparison to your RN post).

Nurse Educator Job Outlook

Nurses earn excellent pay because they are in high demand now.

As your education progresses, Nurses’ salaries grow more competitive.

As an MSN-educated Nurse, one of the most rewarding careers you may choose is a Nurse Educator.

One of the most significant advantages of earning an MSN degree is an immediate rise in compensation and more employment opportunities.

MSN degrees enable Nurses to take on more advanced clinical duties and management, leadership, and research positions.


Conclusion on Nurse Educator

Nurse Educators have the opportunity to earn a lot of money.

Keep in mind that while different reporting agencies may produce different results, they’re all very comparable.

According to PayScale, the Average Nursing Educator income in September 2019 was $74,761.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Nursing Instructors and Teachers postsecondary earned an average annual income of $81,350 in May 2018.

Nursing teachers’ salaries range from $40,370 on the low end to $129,070 or more on the high end.

The average yearly salary for Registered Nurses was $73,550.

Many factors influence pay, including education, training, experience, job, and geography.


FAQs on Nurse Educator

Where do Nurse Educators make the most money?

Nurse Educators make the most money in general medical and surgical institutions, earning an average of $123,000 per year. Psychiatric and substance abuse facilities pay around $94,000 per year and $80,000 to the state government (excluding schools and hospitals).

Are there online Nurse Educator positions, and what is the average online Nursing Instructor Salary?

Online Nursing Instructor jobs come with a variety of titles, and the job title of an Online Nursing Instructor varies by company. In the United States, an online Nurse Instructor’s salary ranges from $72,836 to $101,151 per year. The job title heavily influences the department and responsibilities.

Is becoming a Nurse Educator worth it?

Nurse Educators earn more than other professionals in the Nursing industry. In addition, in their capacity in the teaching profession, they are able to impact the next generation. Working as a Nurse Educator, you can work in various workplaces.

How much do other Nursing professions earn?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average annual salary for all Registered Nurses in the United States is around $75,000 per year, or more than $36 per hour, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). RN salaries vary widely according to region, industry, and specialty.

What can I do to increase my average salary as a Nurse Educator?

Raising your qualifications or changing workplaces are two options for increasing your Nurse Educator income. Consider the following options:
– Obtain certification as a Nurse Educator (CNE)
– Obtain a DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice) degree
– Change your work environment

Will I need to pursue further education past the Bachelor-level to become a Nurse Educator?

You will require additional education. A Master’s in Science in Nursing (MSN) degree is required to work as a Nurse Educator. Unlike an RN degree, which is a technical degree, or a Bachelor’s degree, which is a four-year degree, an MSN degree signifies an advanced graduate level of education.

What are the popular skills of a Nurse Educator?

You will be required to work in a teaching capacity, either in schools, hospitals, or other medical institutions. The following core abilities are required of Nurse Educators:
– Communication
– Interpersonal abilities
– Professionalism
– Leadership
– Expertise and knowledge
– Core capabilities
The above allows you to meet your job description.



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